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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    North West

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  1. thanks i will do this when looking into the top of the inside of door how does it come out i can get the door handle out but how does the other bit that is attached to the lock i think come off ? everything alse is off but what ever is up there is holding it on i dont want to break it
  2. please help my front drivers door keeps popping open while driving not right open but on to first catch so it rattles.to day i got out of car to shut door and its not shutting now unless i lean on it a bit even then if i pull the door it pops open again. i have tried moving the catch that is on the door pillar and enen swopped it with the passenger side one to see if it was that but still no joy i now have the door in bits but not takeen internal parts off yet thought i would ask for help first ;)
  3. tanks tiny lots of help i am sorted now just found a crack all the way round my tyre can see the wire. went to change the wheel for the spare and could not move it all all had to take it to the garage cost me a fiver and a who the hell put that on it took a scoffold bar and wrench to get it off lol not my week eh
  4. my car temp is going all the way to the red line unless i am diving along at speed in which case it stay about 3 quarters up. i have today changed the thermostat and still have the same issue. my fans are not coming on and i cant see where the switch is to unplugg and try to test the fans to see if they work please please can some of you more knowlegable folk help me please. and to top it all woman from council told me to remove my car from the path while i had it in bits lol it never rains it pours please help :D
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