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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Nick A

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Everything posted by Nick A

  1. Hi, can anyone help - rainwater leaks into the nearside boot - I have checked the likely points ie rear lights and rubber grommet around wash wipe and also grommet where the wiring passes from the h/back to the body (at the top). When I test with a hose and look from inside the boot the water is running down from near the top inside of the C pillar but it is impossible to see the actual entry point. It is not the sunroof drain pipe. Any ideas?
  2. The aircon on my Galaxy stopped working last year (2001 tdi) and the condensor was at fault - when I removed the plastic cap on top of the receiver/dryer section and put some soapy water on it, a tiny bubble of escaping gas could be seen every few seconds. I bought a replacement condensor from the same place as you and it has been fine - fitted it myself and a local a/c specialist came and checked it/re-gassed it.
  3. Thanks for all the above - the interior lights on my galaxy have recently stopped working (after some problems with the towbar wiring). I checked fuse 53 and it has blown and seems to be the problem. I didn't need to strip away any of the trim to remove the fuse - you just need a pair of long-nosed pliers to gently pinch the fuse and pull it out. I have also used information on the forum to replace the glow pin in the auxillary heater when it stopped working, and also replace the a/c condensor which was leaking. I have found the forum very useful so thankyou to all the members who share their knowledge and experience.
  4. Thanks for your help Mr T. I did a bit more wresting and spotted the ribbon copper strip thingy bolted to an earth wire on a stud behind the light fitting - it all seemed to be in order. As I mentioned in my other (now clearly related) post, found the cause - fuse 53 had blown Like a muppet, I had tested across the fuse with it still in its holder - thought I had proved its continuity and discounted it. It wasn't until later a colleague pointed out my ineptitude that I revisited my fuses removing them all one by one and testing them across the 'legs', found that I had a blown fuse. Replaced with 10A fuse and was suddenly blinded by half a dozen interior lights I ended up having the take all the front trim off around the fuses to get to fuses 51 -53 as they are a bugger to remove without doing this - as I felt that I was looking for a loose relay or something I was on my was to the back of the fuse board in any case. My fuse information card on the back of the cover indicated that the lights shared a fuse with the central locking so I had already spent a fair while under the passenger seat checking the level of dampness/corrosion under there as it has clearly had some kind of water exposure previously. Many thanks for your input - sorry to have taken the forums time with something so minor, especially when I know I have several major issues to deal with in the coming weeks/months. Regards Frogeye
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