Thanks for your help Mr T. I did a bit more wresting and spotted the ribbon copper strip thingy bolted to an earth wire on a stud behind the light fitting - it all seemed to be in order. As I mentioned in my other (now clearly related) post, found the cause - fuse 53 had blown Like a muppet, I had tested across the fuse with it still in its holder - thought I had proved its continuity and discounted it. It wasn't until later a colleague pointed out my ineptitude that I revisited my fuses removing them all one by one and testing them across the 'legs', found that I had a blown fuse. Replaced with 10A fuse and was suddenly blinded by half a dozen interior lights I ended up having the take all the front trim off around the fuses to get to fuses 51 -53 as they are a bugger to remove without doing this - as I felt that I was looking for a loose relay or something I was on my was to the back of the fuse board in any case. My fuse information card on the back of the cover indicated that the lights shared a fuse with the central locking so I had already spent a fair while under the passenger seat checking the level of dampness/corrosion under there as it has clearly had some kind of water exposure previously. Many thanks for your input - sorry to have taken the forums time with something so minor, especially when I know I have several major issues to deal with in the coming weeks/months. Regards Frogeye