Thanks for the advice I know these cars are suspect to carbon deposits on the vanes , I'm not shy of giving the old girl a thrash ! I got the car stripped out to see if the inlet manifold was clogged up ... And to my surprise it wasn't too bad at all , after several hours at the mechanics they insisted that it was the turbo at fault . Now I've allready put a brand new spanking turbo a few days earlier and I was quite frustrated as my problem was still here . Mechanic said my MAF and boost sensor was ok , but I was doubtfull as I had this problem prior to changing the turbo, feeling like a rabbit WTF?!!! I decided the only thing left to do is change the sensors as the fault was electrical , I used to buy Euro car parts for my Air flow meter as the price was affordable , so after spending a small fortune what's the point in cutting corners now ? So off I went to VW to get original parts as ford are alot more expensive , ( ford galaxy is all VW under the bonnet anyway! )