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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by davethecabbie

  1. after three years of owning a vw touran im thinking of getting another galaxy.my first one was an 01 1.9tdi which served me well as a cab to the tune of 250k miles,its still going because one of our customers bought it.what i'd to know is how do the newer fords compare to the 'vw'models.any advice on any pitfalls i might encounter would be greatly appreciated.as ive not been on the forum for three years im not sure where to start looking as it looks as if you've all been busy posting threads.thanks in anticipation.
  2. im only getting the 1.9tdi s 90bhp model.with up graded radio,tinted windows and centre armrest as optional extras got it for
  3. havent made too many posts on the forum,but thought i would say goodbye.after 4 years it is time to retire the old gal. in the 4 years that i have had the car it has been used as a taxi and i have put 200k miles on the clock(240k in total).i will give you a brief run down what it has cost me. 1. 5 timing belt changes 2. 2 fly-wheel changes 3. 2 clutches(only changed as the fly-wheel was coming out). 4. steering rack changed these were the biggest outlays.in addition there were umpteen oil changes,brake pads and discs,tyres and one coil spring probably due to our councils obsession with speed bumps. a total of
  4. i have had my galaxy for 4 years and it has done 230000 miles as a taxi.i have only tried 2 makes of tyres,firestone and continentals once.i get between 23 and 25000 out of firestones on the front.they are 195 65 15 reinforced and pay
  5. hi little daz,unfortunately i did the replacement myself so i was unable to rub fords noses in it.once again thanks a lot
  6. i'd like to thank littledaz for his spot on diagnosis.after changing this part and that part and being told by my local ford dealer "sorry sir we are clueless" the mysterious rumbling and belt slapping noise has been cured by fitting a new alternator pulley.thanks again.
  7. hi all,im having exactly the same problem with my 01 gal.its driving me mad.ive had the belt changed twice, the tensioner,someone suggested the pulley on the power steering pump can wear so thats been changed and nothing has worked.im thinking of changing the crankshaft pulley next.as the noise goes briefly after changing the belt(even turning one inside out made a difference) it seems the problem could be related to the belt perhaps wearing and not getting enough grip on a worn pulley.this is probably wishful thinking but probably a cheaper hit and miss than fitting a new alternator as this seems to be working ok
  8. hi everyone not been on this forum for a good while.my gal has now done 170k miles and not to many bills apart from servicing, the big bill was
  9. Just check you haven't got a loose plastic shield in a wheelarch which is rubbing on the tyre!
  10. the gear change is getting more "notchey"and ive done 115000 miles,iwas hopping to do more than that but how much more?as i do 60000 a year i though it was probably better to do it now as everything is coming out instead of going through it all in a few months time.
  11. further to my earlier post regarding the vibration,it has been suggested tha it is almost certainly the flywheel by a clutch clinic.cost-
  12. its been quite some time since i posted anything here,so here we go.ive had my gal 18 months now and clocked up 85000 miles in that time, its done 115000 now and apart from brake discs and pads,oil changes and tyres,everythings been fine.it has now developed a vibration and it has been suggested that the clutch might need changing.the vibration occurs at all speeds but increases with speed.ive checked all the engine mounts and they seem fine so i dont think that is the cause.the thrust bearing is also very noisy.gear changes are a little bit notchey but ok and there is no slipping.i have been quoted
  13. i will try to get some of these things checked by an auto electrician i know diddly squat about electrics,thanks for your suggestions guys i will keep you up to speed on my progress just hope something works because otherwise i might have to get a different car or make a career change, only joking!
  14. that might help i will have to try re-routing the cable.at least im getting some ideas now thats more than i got from the people who install them,dunno mate never had that problem before, seems to be the standard answer.
  15. i have tried wiggling the wires on the radio end but nothing happens.the supply is taken direct from the battery.do you think that if the wiring runs near some other wiring this could cause the problem.the aerial is on the roof above the o/s rear door it is very close to the roof rail (due to lack of cable)could this cause it
  16. the level of interference doesnt increase with the revs and i think the bulbs are just standard ones
  17. can anybody help with this problem.The interference is not on the car radio but on my taxi radio.we have some dead spots in our area where i get a slight level of crackling but not enough to be a problem.However when i have to have the headlights on the level of interference increases to such an extent it is virtually impossible to hear what is being said on the radio.It doesnt happen with the side lights on,i have tried three different radios and two different aerials all to no avail.Apart from making it difficult to work in the evening the noise is driving me mad so any suggestions would be much appreciated.whoops seem to have posted this topic twice
  18. can anybody help with this problem.The interference is not on the car radio but on my taxi radio.we have some dead spots in our area where i get a slight level of crackling but not enough to be a problem.However when i have to have the headlights on the level of interference increases to such an extent it is virtually impossible to hear what is being said on the radio.It doesnt happen with the side lights on,i have tied three different radios and two different aerials all to no avail.Apart from making it difficult to work in the evening the noise is driving me mad so any suggestions would be much appreciated.
  19. during this last couple of days i have had the air con on a fair bit.it is working fine at the front but the air is not as cold in the luggage compartment when using the roof controls.does it run off the same system,and is this normal
  20. well the cam belt has been changed now.it wasnt totally without incident.i ordered the kit from autospares at the very reasonable price of
  21. thanks s.a.i will give europarts a call.we have just had a seat dealer open locally im not sure if their parts department is up and running properly yet,still i will give them a try. there is an extensive vw dealers nearby are the sharan parts compatible.by the way could you give me the web addresses of gsk and europarts thanks.
  22. hi everyone i have just bought my first galaxy,a 2001 tdi.i visited this site several times before the purchase and found it very informative.my galaxy had 35k on the clock and i realised the cambelt would need changing in a few weeks(doesnt time not to mention mileage fly by when your a taxi driver).i contacted my local ford dealer for a quote,shock horror
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