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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    South West

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  1. took the slack up on the belt and all's fine now :angry2:
  2. hi all just got a 2000 1.9 td auto. car runs like a dream apart from the fact that the power steering judders and makes a nosie when the car is still and rev's low. it's fine when moving and if i put it in park and just up the rev's a little, all is well too. was told the belt's slack. any one help. p.s it's the same hot and cold & fluids ok thanks..
  3. Thanks for your reply's i think i'm going to take a chance on the box as the rest of the car is so good. But does anyone think it would be worth taking to ford to have the oil flushed and changed ? thanks again :(
  4. Phoned dealer he said theirs no history about the box.
  5. hi all, i'm looking at buying a 1999 zetec Td Auto 1.9 from a local dealer. The cam belt went a 1000 miles ago so theirs be a lot of work do done on the engine. it starts well and drives fine, auto box goes up and down the gears ok. But the thing is the cars done 150K, could sone one tell me what they think this box should do. Or is it at the end of its life. many thanks
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