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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Galaxy Ghia 115TDI 2003 53plate

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  1. Thanks MM, I leave the climate control set to auto and flick it down to 'LO' at least twice a month for at least half an hour each time, I hope this keeps it in working order as I'm one of the lucky ones that hasn't suffered a failure yet. Cheers, Galman.
  2. Guys, I'm after your valued opinion. I used to use my Galaxy TDI for long business trips on a frequent basis and covered 35000 miles in its first 18 months, so I consider it run in now. My employer has now issued me a car for business use so the Galaxy is not used as much, it's only really used at the weekend. I was wondering if anyone could comment as to whether keeping it in the garage all week and only using it at weekends would be harmful or not. The usage at the weekends is on decent runs, minimum 30 miles at a time. Your valued opinion would be appreciated. :) Cheers, Galman.
  3. 1, Andy 2, Essex 3, Galaxy Ghia 115TDI 4, New in Sept 03, so about 19 months 5, Yes 6, Had two parking sensors replaced under warranty, no idea of cost 7, Project Manager
  4. Mine came with Continentals on from new now done 29,000 miles and still a fare bit of tread left on the front with loads left on the rears, no problems with grip etc. and will probably replace with same when the time comes. Galman.
  5. Glad to be of service Blatters, I must admit my speakers were getting bored of blasting AC/DC, Iron Maiden and the like out, and as you said there may be others infected by the bees. Galman.
  6. Cheers for the advice. Just checked the sills and they appear fine at the moment, it will be serviced at the same garage as did it before so hopefully it will be OK, but I'm still going to mention it.
  7. My Gal is soon going to a main dealer for it's 30,000 mile service and reading this comment about sills I was wondering if anyone could post a photo of what the damage looks like, or is it that obvious you couldn't fail to miss it. This is something else that I've got to add to my list to check before driving away, talk about lack of trust. Galman.
  8. I was informed by my Ford dealer that if you set the CC down to LO it switches the AC on to cooling and that it's recommended to run it for 30 mins a month or more in that mode. Galman.
  9. Solved the buzzing noise. I know it's sometimes difficult to locate noises in the dash, but my annoying buzzing noise has been tracked down to the rear view mirror. I was being dazzled by an inconsiderate driver and dipped the rear view mirror and behold the noise stopped, put it back and the noise started, I now have a temporary small piece of paper wedged in the clip and no more buzzing. :unsure: ;) :D I just need a long term solution, any suggestions?? Galman
  10. Scanning through the forum will give you an idea of what sort of things may happen to the Galaxy, and what to expect from dealers etc. You'll find that Air Con problems and oil spec used by dealers seem to be most prevalent. The most important thing though is to enjoy the car rather than think of things that will go wrong. Enjoy. Galman
  11. Thanks Ivor, Job for this weekend then, provided I can lay my hand on some Torx drivers. Cheers, Galman.
  12. My gal has just developed the most annoying buzzing noise from inside the dash on the passenger side. It's loud and constant, so bad I hate driving it without the radio up loud. :D The only time it's not there is on perfectly flat tarmac cruising at about 58mph, how often can you do that though? The question is can anyone tell me if there is any way of getting into the area to try and stop it. Can you for instance get access from the two flip up storage boxes on top of the dash. Cheers, Galman.
  13. Just driven 90 miles to work this morning, stopped to get a paper for about a minute, got back into the Gal started the engine and the aux heater came on and stayed on for the last mile of my journey. I would have thought that as the engine temp didn't have time to drop at all that the aux heater should not have come on, or should it? Any advice would be welcome, except the type that says yes it's a fault and another trip to the dealers is looming. Cheers, Galman.
  14. The past few mornings the aux heater on my gal has been coming on, the outside temp reading has been 12 degrees, and 14 degrees, but this morning with a temp of 9.5 it didn't come on. Could anyone tell me when under what conditions it is supposed to come on, does the interior climate control setting have anything to do with it, i.e. high setting causes the aux heater to activate, as I've had this at different settings each morning. Cheers, Galman
  15. Wouldn't you know it, booked the car in for the dealer to look at the problem and hey presto went out last night and the things started working perfectly again. :D The poor little things must have been frightened by the thought of being touched by the 'technical experts'. As dmc suggested a look at the module connectors under the passenger seat is in order. Cheers, Galman.
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