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Everything posted by DaveJH

  1. Tha Galaxy has large battery tray - for the diesel its perhaps best to fill it with an 017 (large competitive stocks at most commerical suppliers). I popped a Varta Silver 100AH 830A CC in my 55 plate Mk2 150bhp TDI - I did not expect problems and I have not had any - very good starting during post Christmas deep freeze. DaveJH
  2. A number of threads have explained how to change the heater solenoid valve for Ka with no heat flow My Ka2 has aircon, good air flow from heater, but generally no heat. Is the posted solution of changing the solenoid valve applicable to the aircon version. A look under the bonet (through plastic grille below wipers) shows two pipes dispearing into a black plastic enclosure - I can not see the valve without further work. Also a number of other pipes and parts. Any help advice appreciated. DaveJH
  3. Hi All As radiotwo says for the same power, using a lower voltage would need higher current P=IxV but this is more of a design constraint e.g. a 23W bulb on the mains would need about 0.1A but in a car at 12 it would need a current of 23/12 ... approximately 2A so in this case lower voltage would lead to higher current Just to further comment on this, the way round this would be to up the size of the cable, but I bet the cable size is the same as the front socket. and to Dave, that why the fuse is lower at the back. Dave a way round it, would be to run a new length of cable direct from the Battery to the rear of the car and either use a new socket or disconnect the original one and connect the new cable, and use something like 3 or 4mm Sq and fuse with a 30amp fuse. Radiotwo Radiotwo Just for the record, the delivered power into a load of resistance R ohms is VxV/R, so if the votage at the front is 12V its 144/R watts, and if the voltage at the back is 10V its 100/R watts. Therfore connecting a resitive load R at the rear will draw less current ( V/R) and also result in less power in the load. The rated power of a device is the nominal power at 12v. What is probably happening with the compressor is that the load is both inductive and resistive, with the inductive part offering less impedance when switched on hence the current spike. DaveJH
  4. Excellent info, i too managed this to 3 hours, however, the wiper motion is now incorrect.The wiper moves through the correct motion when switched on (any setting) but when switched off they finish half way upi the screen? Now when diagnosing intial problem with the unit on the bench, I disconneted the wiper motor from the linkage to see what had seized. Should the motor spindle have been in a particular postion or have i got another problem to do with the control unit? Slightly puzzled and in need of a few pointer. Thanks Ad If the wiper blades complete a correct full cycle but when switched off finish half way up the screen, then there is nothing wrong with the linkages or motor spindle, the I guess you have simply connected the blade-arms at the wrong angle. When its switched off with the baldes up the screen, simply undo the blade-arms and refit at the correct angle and all should be well. I hope that this helps daveJH
  5. Mark & Cath Thanks for all your help - shall do. DaveJH
  6. Well Done The key photo is of the complete assembly when removed. When I did my wiper machanisms, I separated the linkage bars (the ball and plastic socket joints), completed the wiper spindle task, and thenreconnected the linkage bars incorrectly (they can actually be connected in two ways, one gives the correct motion; the incorrect configuration that I used gives a limited motion and then jams- as i found when I had put it all back in the car....). Yes, I know, there is always one ! Thanks for the photos DaveJH
  7. Dear All Thanks to all for suggestions re using VSAG COM I have had a look at threads and ebay. ebay lists two types of lead: USB VAG-COM 409.1 OBD 2 II CABLE LEAD AUDI VW VAG COM VAG-COM USB KKL OBD 2 Cable VAG.COM AUDI VW Skoda Seat Which VAG.COM cable is suitable for use with my Galaxy 2005 1.9 TDI 150bhp - none of the ebay sites that I looked at mention Galaxy or Sharan on compatibility tables. (My laptop has USB ports). Also, is the "free demo software" you mention , for example, the Ross-Tech VAG-COM shareware software, or software supplied by the vendor. Apologies for these further queries, but I want to get the correct kit first-time to avoid having to come back with yet more questions. Thanks and regards DaveJH The timing is indeed checked with VAG.COM, the leads are only
  8. How can you check if the timing is out by say 2 degrees ? My Galaxy 1.9TDI has just had its 60K service with change of timing belt and tensioner. The car is now doing about 5 mile gal less than before its service (on regular long return trips to Oxford and Yorkshire). We are going to have problems argueing this with the Ford garage since the trip computer today bested at 46 mpg, and was less than this for considerable periods. Ford will say that this is good, while we know from our regular weekly trips that over 50 mpg is commonplace and 48 is 'a poor run'. Incidently, as part of the service I instsited on Ford Formula SD oil, and have been billed for expensive 5W40 oil so presumably this is indeed what they used - again from past experience the correct oil can make a difference). Regards DaveJH
  9. John Thanks, - just what I wanted: will do. Regards DaveJH
  10. Thanks Mr T - but I aready have a servicable Rhode Gear Ultra Suttle 3 bike rack from my Passat days which will hold the bikes but sits much lower and obscured lights and numberplates (it also obstructs rear wiper) but will be OK for UK use. Therefore any advice re wiring appreciated. DaveJH
  11. I have a sudden need to carry a number of cycles on a rear carry frame and want to connect an 'extension' board with number plates, rear lights and indicators (probably halfords type). Son and friends have just entered a triathlon without thinking through the logistics- "that's what the galaxy is for dad" My request is for advice on how to connect the electrics ( I dont want a permanent tow bar fitment). I guess what I need is a towbar type electric extension cable that plugs in somewhere like the nearside rear luggage compartment wiring, and can be rolled up and left in that storage compartment. Any advice please DaveJH
  12. Thanks bj2004 - I shall look this up, and also enquire of another Galaxy owner who parks in the vacinity where this happened. My previous Galaxy had windows with a mind of their own - tracked to a wiring loom faults in the front door hinge area - a not unknown fault. As with transient problems, the cause of the problem on my newer 55plate Galaxy may take a while to track down. Regards DaveJH
  13. Same problem occurred last night; I returned to my 55 plate Galaxy 1.9TDI which had been parked for 2hrs to find that after about 2hrs and found all four electric widows were down by about 1.5 inch. There had been bursts of very heavy rain throughout the day and some rain during the 2hr period but the inside of the car seemed dry. Did previous correspondents find the cause of the problem? Where do I start to look to sort this out. Reagrds DaveJH
  14. John I dont know if it helps, but the 2005 Galaxy 1.9 PD TDI was rated (in the catelogue) as 2510 Kg Gross Vehicle Mass including driver at 75Kg and full fluid and duel levels, subject to manufacturing tolerances and options fitted. Regards DaveJH
  15. Seatkid Mis-typed my last reply: meant go for Exide Ultra as you recommend , or Varta Ultra Dynamic (95AH, 850ACC) or Varta Silver (listed as 100 AH 830ACC also available as 85AH 800ACC) , or Yuasa Elite (95AH, 850ACC), all depending on price and availability. DaveJH
  16. Big kev, Tiny, Seatkid Thanks for your advice, and to seatkid for the info on the Varta Ultra. Depending on price when I phone round local suppliers here in the West Midlands/Brum (I normally end up going to Bannings) I shall try for either the Varta Ultra or the Varta Silver or Yuasa Elite at equivalent ratings. Regards DaveJH
  17. The Exide Battery fittted to my 2005 1.9 150bhp TDI Ghia is rated as follows: Exide Type 130 915 105E; 70AH, 340A CC ; size 270mmx175mmx190mm It seems have smaller capacity and cold crank rating than I expected, and it has struggled to start the car during the recent low temperatures, and seems low on stamia even though the "eyesight" indicator is green as for full charge. The battery tray appears to be able to accommodate up to 360x175x190 size batteries. Is there any reason (other than cost) why I could not fit a CA battery with capacity of 80 AH 720ACC, or 85AH 800ACC or even a 017 type 95AH 850ACC battery. Regards DaveJH
  18. Audiman Sorry - just realised that you are going in May, rather than simply popping over to see the winter landscapes or play in the snow. No problem, except its a longish run and France is expensive w.r.t tolls and it seems to us that the motels and hotels are comparitively expensive c.f Belgium and Germany, Austria. Re Swiss motorway tax/sticker - you can either queue at the motoway sideslip sales outlet near the border (the queues at Basle, for example, can be long on the wrong day or time) or more simply do as we do and buy one from the Swiss Travel Service : http://www.switzerlandtravelcentre.co.uk/vignette.html before you go and sail past the queue. I hope that this helps Regards DaveH.
  19. Audiman Sorry - just realised that you are going in May, rather than simply popping over to see the winter landscapes or play in the snow. No problem, except its a longish run and France is expensive w.r.t tolls and it seems to us that the motels and hotels are comparitively expensive c.f Belgium and Germany, Austria. Re Swiss motorway tax/sticker - you can either queue at the motoway sideslip sales outlet near the border (the queues at Basle, for example, can be long on the wrong day or time) or more simply do as we do and buy one from the Swiss Travel Service : http://www.switzerlandtravelcentre.co.uk/vignette.html before you go and sail past the queue. I hope that this helps Regards DaveH.
  20. Audiman A good list. Your wipers may have to do some hard work - as your Galaxy has a good mileage if you have not greased the spindles (see threads) then I would take a few tools and grips to sort it out if the wiper starts to stall (it will save time - nothing worse than having to drive slow and keep stopping- and also money now the pound and euro are 1:1). I also chuck in a pair of "wheel socks" for minor slippery stuff problems. Regards DaveJH
  21. Nowt wrong wi brum, and our Balti belt will outlast your cam belt.
  22. The CO2 rating for my 2005 1.9TDI is listed on the vehicle registration document as 173 g/Km (the actual emission rate depends on the particular variant of the 1.9 TDI engine -i.e. power rating- others vriants may be lucky and just slip under the magic 171g/Km fiigure). That puts my vehicle in the current Band E at
  23. My wife has just returned the Galaxy with a dislodged front offside spoiler (below the front bumper): apparentlythere was a 'stone'. The spoiler bit seems fine, as is the torx scerw fuitting in the wheel arch. Working with limited light, I find it difficult to reseat the 'mortice joint' in the middle of the spoiler and push the spoiler into the bumper sockets. Is it necessary to remove both nearside and offside spoilers, seat the 'mortice joint', and then offer up the whole spolier to the bumper ? Also, I have just discovered a dislodged black plastic shroud panel within the bumper just above and slightly to the left of the centre of the spoiler, it rattles about and in the dark it is not clear what it does or what its seats into. Given daylight and a suitable block as a ramp I should be able to see what has happened. Suggestions (about easy ways of refitting the spoiler or about the black plastic panel) are welcomed. Regards DaveJH
  24. Yes, 550 or better to the tank full seems right : equivalent to 75 for
  25. Brian FX04 How did you get the DVD palyer out. I have wrestled access to the audio plug in unit above the DVD palyer, by have difficulty remiving the 12v and other connectors behind the audio unit, and can see a nuber of flanges and screws behind the Audio unit. Presumably you access and unscrew these to remove the DVD. DaveJH
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