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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxy 1999 2.8 si v6
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    North West

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  1. just take fuse board out and there is no rely 167 or 109 do you have any idea were i can find out what they are on the v6
  2. put a new battery on it only a month ago and it cant be the relay 30 because the v6 doesnt have a relay 30(or 27) its nothing to do with imobliser because it had a new imobliser fit last year and the symtoms are completely different. do you know if the crank position sensor is faulty is it still possible to get a spark at the plugs
  3. all fuses are fine tryed other key again no different. tryed starting up but doesnt seem to fire. when you start it up it sounds like it always used to but isnt fireing
  4. didnt check all the fuses only 32 and 14 both fine and ive tryed a diferent key and its still the same ill check the other fuses tomorrow and report back
  5. hi i am after a bit of advice and was hoping to find some here.. the other night my gal cut out while i was doing about 20mph(just set off from trafic lights) no sound or knocks from engine almost like someone turned the key off.. now it wont start at all ive checked and it seems to turn over and ive got fuel and spark getting to each cylinder. after reading up on here i think ive narrowed it down to either timing chain or crankshaft position sensor so ive 2 questions. 1. if the crank position sensor is faulty is it still possible to get a spark at the plugs. 2. is there any quick and easy way to check if its the timing chain( i was going to remove the rocker cover but it seems like a big job just to do a quick check. thanks in advance
  6. hi i have a ford galaxy 2.8 si v6 v reg. the car has a problem with the immobiliser and wouldnt even turn over. i have bypassed the immobiliser relay and now it turns over and starts but then dies straight away. just wandering if anyone had any ideas of what i could try as times are hard and i cant afford to take it to ford. just a quick note it doesnt have a relay 30 relay 27 or relay 167 which most people are having the problem with. any help would be apreciated thanks in advance
  7. any help at all would be appreciated.......
  8. i think i might be getting somewere. i just forced the imobleiser relay (158 i think) on and the car started and ran for a few seconds i left it for a few mins and did the same again it ran for 10 mins no probs and i drove it up and down my drive all seemed to be ok so i switched it off. went back to it a few mins later and it will start but dies straight away. anyone have any ideas were to go next. thanks
  9. please if anyone can help i would be very gratefull, from a stressed husband and father of 4!!!
  10. there is no water under passenger seat. i left ignition on for a few mins and the led flashes changed from rapid to a 1 : 3 pattern. also just noticed relay 410 clicks quite loudly does anyone know what this relay is for and is it normal to click. thanks in advance
  11. i havent changed the battery in the key. and none of the spare keys i have work . went to the car this morning and it started first time. and all keys started it. went back to the car this afternoon and it wont start again. same problem as before.
  12. thanks for the help but i have already tryed the relay 30 thing and as i stated above my fuse board levels 1 2 and 3 do not have a relay 30 on them its a manual gearbox btw. as for how it started i just opened the car as normal via the remote central locking there was no warning or any idication it was going to happen. the car was off the road for a couple of months (couldnt afford the tax) up until 2 weeks ago but has been running great since its been back on the road. thanks again for you posts
  13. hi i know there is loads of helpful stuff on this site regarding none starting galaxys but i cant seem to find what i need to fix my car. i have a 1999 v-reg galaxy 2.8 v6 si (petrol) from the pics in another post i looks like a mk 1 the car will not start and doesnt even try to turn over at all there isnt even any sign of the starter motor even getting a signal to start. i have put on a new battery and still no change when i turn on the ignition the small light on the drivers door flashes like mad so from the information on this site i figured it must be relay 30. after taking it all apart i find there is no relay 30 or relay 27. key fob still works ok with car and unlocks/locks no problems. any help will be really appreciated
  14. my v6 runs just fine on standard unleaded. i wont use super unleaded it too expensive
  15. never had a problem with mine until now and now its starting to cost me money im going off it ..lol
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