51 Plate 1.9 TDI Ghia with climate control. Yesterday the Mrs smelt an electrical burning smell in the car, and the climate control started flashing. She was almost home, so parked a fair distance from any houses and walked the rest of the way in case it burst into flames. When I checked it out, there was a funny smell, more like electrical equipment overheating, not burning. I ran through the climate control, which seemed to be working ok, but noticed when I turned the front blowers on full, the 2 outside vents (nearest the front side windows) were really strong, while the middle 3 vents were hardly working at all. I removed the climate control unit and the smell seemed to be coming from the unit. Is it possible for the unit to be the cause of the problem, IE, limit the airflow to the centre vents only? I notice that Ebay is full of units for about