After much digging and wondering why pin 9 wasn't working on the 13 pin socket of the factory fitted towbar socket I was forwarded the schematic from Ford showing that Pin 9 is not connected up (although Pin 13 is - this is the return) Ford confirm that they have taken a decision not to do this as they cannot control which appliances will be connected and they may ultimately draw too much power and this may represent a fire risk. This is total rubbish in my opinion (For those who don't know, Pin 9 provides power for caravan interior lighting, charging the caravan battery and powering the Al-Ko ATC Traction/Stability Safety devices which are now fitted on many modern caravans.) This is not mentioned in any brochure or price list and surprises me for two reasons: 1. The cigar lighter socket represents a similar risk but they haven't stopped fitting these. 2. Are Ford aware that ATC units, which are now commonly fitted to new caravans, will not work. 3. An invention known as a Fuse would remove the risk 4. Their towbar wiring does not now conform to a caravanners expectations and do not fully adhere to ISO11446 If I'd known this I would not have specified a ford towbar, but had one fitted independently. I will be writing to Ford. I have recommended to the Caravan Club that they exclude Ford from their Towing Car Awards as they do not now meet the requirements of Caravanners.