Yeah, this website: Have the new driveshaft ready lying next to you. 1. Loosen front driveshaft bolt (37mm) and wheelnuts. 2. Jack car up and support on an axle stand, remove roadwheel. 3. Unbolt bottom balljoint from hub carrier (2 x T45??). 4. Tug strut toward you (HARD!) releasing driveshaft spline from differential. 5. Remove loose hub bolt and old driveshaft. 6. Quickly slide new driveshaft into differential (not much gearbox oil will have escaped). 7. Slide outer spline into hub and finger tighten driveshaft bolt. 8. Use the momentum of the strut/hub/driveshaft assembly to swing it in (HARD) and out until circlip engages in differential. 9. Reverse steps 3, 2 and 1. Done. Yep all done, had one stubbern bolt which i had to drill the head off :rolleyes: also replaced the O/S ABS sensor so all shoud be sweet for a v short while....................... Timing belt next gulp also anyone had experiance replaceing he lower arm bushes, noticed they are over due........... Thanks for all your help :angry2: