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    Galaxy 2001 1.9TDI

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  1. It's the knuckle that sits in the cup next to the gear box that keeps failing. it looks like it is close to the edge when fully instaled, where as the farside shaft is comfortable situated in the middle. and does not wear at the same rate. ;)
  2. I have a 51 MkII 115 TDI Galaxy and the front nearside drive shaft keeps failing. (second time this year, forth in the last two) Does anyone have experiance with this and know possible causes. I would also like to know if both shafts(outer) are the same unit, and there length/s as the near side shaf seems to be extended to the edge of the cup(or what ever it caled)
  3. Hi Coxsey Not too sure on yours, but is the oil feed pipe conected with a banjo bolt ? if so poss the washer has got a split in it, take to bolt out and try and get a copper washer (same idea as the sump drain) and replace it but becareful not to over tighen the bolt Radiotwo Hi Radiotwo, Nope not connected by banjo but directly into housing with pipe sealed by an olive. ;) had one last year but the garage has changed systems so they dont have a record of the part ordered.
  4. going to order one from either ford steelers or Volkswagen. does anyone know the part No.s for either supplier? Cheers
  5. My wife has a mkII 1.9TDI on a 51 plate. It has just started losing alot of oil. on investigation it appears it may be coming from thr oil feed pipe to the turbo at the filter housing end. Has anyone experianced this before a sudden leak from a previous good seal. was only replaced last year when i changed the turbo. Is there any other point it could be coming from? Thanks.
  6. Ok all sorted now. cleared down the faults i could find. Couldn't find many controllers tho. Which ones can you find normally?
  7. Ok daft question (Obvious answer?) Vista as downloaded the serial port replicator driver, but do i now need another driver for the ODB side of things? If so where can i get one from, cant find original disc that came with the lead. Thanks
  8. I have downloaded Vag-com from the Ross Tech website and i am having problems getting it to recognise the lead. When i plugged my lead in (USB-Serial) my laptop started to download a driver from windows update. (USB- Serial adaptor) I have set the port in the control panel to com 1 but when testing the message says Port Ok Interface not found. The pc is runing on Vista SP1. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  9. Could you please explain what micro cat is? thanks
  10. Ok changed the lower arm yesterday and the problem is there if not a little worse. Could someone please confirm if when replacing the driveshaft, does it have to be located in one specific place or can it line up to any bolt hole?
  11. Yep they need replacing. have known that for a little while, the rubber is split and is clearly visable with the hood up. Also noted both arm bushes require replacing when i was replacing the bearings. car has done over 100K now so no surprise really. :rolleyes:
  12. ? we travelled back from Cornwall with it so 400 miles wobbling it could be a few things. :rolleyes:
  13. Well took her out for the first drive this morning hoping all would be smooth s a babies bum :angry2: however wobble came back at about 40 mph whilst accelerating. :rolleyes: now it is not as bad as previous I know that i will need to get it sorted sooner rather than later. any ideas what it could be? I get a loud knock when i pull away from staionary or after freewheeling on the motorway, or when i reverse. (this has been happening for some time and no one knows what it is) I think that this may have a part to ply in the wobble. i have an idea that it may be the part to which the drive shaft bolts onto(engie side), does anyone know what this part is called? A few years ago i had to get the off/side drive shaft replaced as the teeth had worn and i lost all drive and can only assume that this part was replaced asweell as the drive shaft. I have recently replaced both wheel bearings & drop links, I know i also need to replace top suspension mounts and lower arm bushes.
  14. Yeah, this website: Have the new driveshaft ready lying next to you. 1. Loosen front driveshaft bolt (37mm) and wheelnuts. 2. Jack car up and support on an axle stand, remove roadwheel. 3. Unbolt bottom balljoint from hub carrier (2 x T45??). 4. Tug strut toward you (HARD!) releasing driveshaft spline from differential. 5. Remove loose hub bolt and old driveshaft. 6. Quickly slide new driveshaft into differential (not much gearbox oil will have escaped). 7. Slide outer spline into hub and finger tighten driveshaft bolt. 8. Use the momentum of the strut/hub/driveshaft assembly to swing it in (HARD) and out until circlip engages in differential. 9. Reverse steps 3, 2 and 1. Done. Yep all done, had one stubbern bolt which i had to drill the head off :rolleyes: also replaced the O/S ABS sensor so all shoud be sweet for a v short while....................... Timing belt next gulp also anyone had experiance replaceing he lower arm bushes, noticed they are over due........... Thanks for all your help :angry2:
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