Hi New here, just having the same problem as others, I have an Alhambra 1.9 tdi 110, so wondering how you got on. Problems as follows: 1. Temp gauge goes up after a run 60-70mph for 45 mins, sometimes to warning level 2. Apparent loss of water after most trips (e.g. 2.5 pints after 50 miles@60mph in two trips or half a pint after a local trip) 3. No significant smoke/steam from exhaust 4. No mayo on oil filler cap. 5. No apparent leaks in radiator or hoses 6. System appears to relieve lots of pressure (sound of water draining to bottom of system) when header tank cap is released. 7. Fan seems to kick in as it should. 8. Heater works, but have a feeling it may only work when turned to max I'm inclined to think it's a head gasket problem but nothing seems to stack up and don't want to take it to a garage and get roped into replacing radiator, water pump, thermostat and hoses before realising what the real problem is. In addition, have just realised the head gasket was replaced in April last year - could this have failed already? If anyone can shed some light on this (along with some potential costs) it would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance Neil