I gathered it was to do with EGR :lol: I've had a good look under the bonnet and did find a possible problem. If you follow the 4 metal pipes from the exhaust manifold, they join into one pipe, further along this there are two pipes that come off it quite close together. Hoses run off these upto some sort of sensor block on the bulk head. Now the part that the hoses connect to bolts onto the sensor block with two nuts, one of these was backed off about half way and this was allowing it to come away from the sensor block. The nut was not loose, quite tight on the threads actually. So tightened it up so it secure, cleared the DTC's and went for a 5 mile run. Checked for DTC's when back at home and none showing. Performance wise the kangarooing has stopped although there is a little hesitation when starting to accelerate. Put everything back and went for another longer run, performance was the same, no kangaroo but hesitation on acceleration. Checked DTC's and they have come back, argghhh. @seatkid, have put some petrol cleaner in, thanks. Can't do anyharm :lol: Any help gratefully recieved. Chris.