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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jcr

  1. to all of you that replied I thank you all for your advice, it turned out that Ford agreed to replace my engine but they did take 3 weeks to decide thanks again
  2. Yesterday my Smax engine packed up, I have done 14000 miles and was comming home to book it for a service next week, the service book advises a service after 12000 miles, the car is eleven months old. Ford have rang me to say the pistons are proberbly gone and the warrenty could be void for I should have had a service at 12000 miles. Has anybody had this situation before? I have driven the car very carefully for eleven months and looked after the car, do Ford have any legal rights over this. I understand a service is due but there is nothing in the service book to say if you don't service within 2000 miles then the engine will be destroyed. Advice please? Do I have a legal right for my warrenty?
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