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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by jimmyq

  1. oops sorry should of said guys and gals:) thanks for the welcome guys and gals
  2. hi guys i have a galaxy tdi zetec 6 speed manual 04 reg and ive got a problem with the gears ive just had a new clutch,flywheel,master cylinder fitted a few thousand miles ago its was driving perfect up until yesterday when the 2nd gear started to crunch and 5/6th gears goes in but the car just revs up when in 5/6th gear even if i let go of the clutch it wont stall and i can rev it too but the car wont move any ideas guys? thanks ps it has 150k but well maintained just wanted to know if im better off getting a recon box or will this repair?
  3. hi sorry to jack this thread but for some reason i cant start a new topic as it wont allow me to anyhow i have a galaxy tdi zetec 6 speed manual 04 reg and ive got a problem with the gears too ive just had a new clutch,flywheel,master cylinder fitted a few thousand miles ago its was driving perfect up until yesterday when the 2nd gear started to crunch and 5/6th gears goes in but the car just revs up when in 5/6th gear even if i let go of the clutch it wont stall and a can rev it too but the car wont move any ideas guys? thanks
  4. hi just come accross this forum and im glad i did as ive just bought a galaxy and this site is very usefull and helpfull hope to learn and enjoy from you guys as ive been reading and there are some talented chaps on here thanks
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