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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by johngalaxy

  1. I have a galaxy MK1 with a faulty instrument cluster. The rev counter, diesel gauge and warning lights all work when the handbrake in on. Let if off and all these dials fall to zero. The speedo does not work. There is obviously a an earth fault on the cluster somewhere. I would really like to get another cluster and plug it in to see if it works, if not then the problem is elsewhere. The car is a ghia x 1.9 tdi with two plugs at the rear of the cluster and two LCD displays on each of the speedo and rev counters (5000 revs) If anybody can shed some light, I would be very very grateful or better still lead me to a second hand cluster in working condition the two letters at the end of the part number should be ZH All the best Johngalaxy
  2. Hi Peasey, I have the same problem on my Galaxy, The dials are not working and the digital read outs have stoped. I have had the cluster tested and there is no problem on this front. I had a blown Turbo which i got fixed and the speedo did not work after that. I did read that someone had problems with their speedo and they mentioned that their rear passanger window stoped working, this also happened to me, the very same problem. I have come to the conclusion that it has earthed somewhere either by the turbo reving out of control or the wires leading to the door touching each other. when i was reparing them there were a few sparks. I brought it back to the garage and asked them to check that they put all the plugs back in correctly. They checked the main fuse plug thingy near the gear box and there was noting out of place.There are block socket fuses behind the cluster. I am going to order new ones as a shot in the dark excercise. Other than this i am at a loss. If you have any luck please let me know. thanks and good luck John - Galaxy
  3. Hi I have had the same problem with our instrument cluster, we got it tested and they say that all is working. Therefore the fault is somewhere else. I would'nt mind trying to plug another one in to see if what they say is correct. I paid
  4. I may be interested, Would it find a wiring problem that is preventing my ECU from working on a 1998 Galaxy 1.9TDi ghiaX 110. How does it work and what shows up on the computer.
  5. Hi Vilius, To give you some more information, I took the cluster out , there is two plugs - red and black. I sent it away for a diagnostic check but there was only minor faults. My guess is that when the turbo blew the engine reved out of control and did some damage elsewhere. I replaced the turbo and then i noticed the cluster was not working. The digital display flickers when i press the heated window buttons and the rear passenger window is not working with the button around the same place. I will be taken the centre panel off , radio, air conditioning panel etc... to check behind for obvious faults. But if there is a fault with the wiring, i'm guessing a fuse is blown somewhere behind the ECU. Can you fill me in on this cable, does it plug in behind the gear stick under the ashtray. When plug it in what am i looking for. Ther is so many people on the forum with the same problem, if i can fix mine then i can help others. Thanks
  6. This is unbeliveable, My turbo went when i was on the M5. to cut along story short, i got it repaired and then noticed that the instrument cluster had stopped working, The dials are at '0' and the miles are not clocking up and ther is no instrument lighting. The cruise control is also not working. The good news is that it is not a complete failure as the warning lights are still working. The unbelievable thing is that one of the rear passenger windows is not working, on the passenger side. I am the third member i know of to experience the same problem. There must be a link or a wiring problem behind the window control buttons causing an earth spike which in turn effects the speedo. When i press the window heating buttons, the digital display flickers. Beneath these buttons are the rear window controls. Am I starting to find the link to the problem. I have the same car, the same year as well. did you solve the problem and if so, HOW Please reply with any solutions or ideas, it's driving me crazy.
  7. This is unbeliveable, My turbo went when i was on the M5. to cut along story short, i got it repaired and then noticed that the instrument cluster had stopped working, The dials are at '0' and the miles are not clocking up and ther is no instrument lighting. The cruise control is also not working. The good news is that it is not a complete failure as the warning lights are still working. The unbelievable thing is that one of the rear passenger windows is not working, on the passenger side. I am the third member i know of to experience the same problem. There must be a link or a wiring problem behind the window control buttons causing an earth spike which in turn effects the speedo. When i press the window heating buttons, the digital display flickers. Beneath these buttons are the rear window controls. Am I starting to find the link to the problem. I have the same car, the same year as well. did you solve the problem and if so, HOW Please reply with any solutions or ideas, it's driving me crazy.
  8. Hi I'm new to this, so here goes, The instrument cluster is not operating properly on my Galaxy 1.9 TDi ghia x (1998). The cluster has been checked and is in working order, so the problem is somewhere else, but where. I've checked all the fuses and looked for obvious wire damage. Do i really need to go to a auto electrician as it will cause a fortune. Any ideas??? Please Plesae Please help. I am quite handy with cars, just changed a alternator by myself, not bad for an architect.
  9. This is interesting, i have had problems with my instrument cluster, no dials or lights, not clocking any miles. I send it for a diagnosstic cneck and the cluster is working correctly. My car is a galaxy 1.9 deisel ghiax. how do icheck if the earth is working. can it be the coil pack. please help. i'm going out of my mind
  10. I was just doing some reserch on this today because i have the same problem, i think. sometimes you can hear a hissing noise when you press the break pedal. I was going to tryn and loacte the vacume pipe and check for leaks. can you advise how this is done now i know where the pump unit is. thanks
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