Hi Vilius, To give you some more information, I took the cluster out , there is two plugs - red and black. I sent it away for a diagnostic check but there was only minor faults. My guess is that when the turbo blew the engine reved out of control and did some damage elsewhere. I replaced the turbo and then i noticed the cluster was not working. The digital display flickers when i press the heated window buttons and the rear passenger window is not working with the button around the same place. I will be taken the centre panel off , radio, air conditioning panel etc... to check behind for obvious faults. But if there is a fault with the wiring, i'm guessing a fuse is blown somewhere behind the ECU. Can you fill me in on this cable, does it plug in behind the gear stick under the ashtray. When plug it in what am i looking for. Ther is so many people on the forum with the same problem, if i can fix mine then i can help others. Thanks