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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Al J

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Everything posted by Al J

  1. I had a similar problem on a P reg 2.0. The problem was with the wiring behind the fuse holder assembly. Mine was the nearside light not illuminating. 'Gently' pushing at the looms behind kept it lit for a while but in the end it took a local mechanic the best part of a day to fix it. It seemed to be quite a common occurence in vehicles with only one headlight working.
  2. No complete log book !!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Felix, What a coincidence. I was on the MDA 78-79 as a Cpl under Sgt Paddy Macauley.
  4. I was also at Waddo 1977 - 1979 as a young techie working on a rects team in 3 hangar. Now back as a civvie after an absence of 27 years.
  5. I have the same problem with my black Terrano, (white undercoat showing through) especially around all the door handles, probably caused by rings, fingernails and me holding a bunch of keys when opening the door.
  6. How I smirked about bulb changes until a guy in the office this morning said my offside brake light was out. Changed it this evening after undoing first aid kit bracket, replaced stop/tail bulb, tested all bulbs, put bulb holder back into place, tested again. Oldest son said "One of the side lights is not on". Took holder out again - no secondary tail light bulb in holder. Bulb found to have dropped out inside lens housing. Tried mechanical fingers, magnet pen but to no avail. Finally achieved success with a blob of blu-tac. All working now and bracket refitted - minus screw nearest bulb holder.
  7. I bought mine from a VW dealer in Spalding (Crowsons) at less than 40p each which is a complete set of 24 for around
  8. That's right. Radio can be switched on without keys in ignition and automatically switches off after 1 hour.
  9. Had the same problem on my old 97 Galaxy, instrument cluster lighting with ignition on but not all lights dimmed using dimmer switch. Had light switch panel replaced under warranty at the time and that sorted it out.
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