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    ford galaxy 1.9 tdi 115ps
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    North West

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  1. Has any1 worked out what the problem is as mine has started to do it and the beeping is getting on my nerves
  2. i have a mk2 galaxy and the metering pump just in front of the fuel tank in a rubber mount think its a 8mm or 10mm bold holding the mount in place and two wires that just pull off the pump mine used to make a clicking sound but now it doesnt so i think it dead if you want to see if your pump is working disconect the pipe befour it gets to you aux heat and turn the key if when you here the clicking sound you get fuel then it working does any1 no where to get the pumps from as i need 1 hope this helps
  3. will have a look got the codes reset and still nothing sound like it could be the wire your on about as i carnt here the pump kick in like iused to does any one no how to run a new wire to it if the wire hasnt broke
  4. if its still not working any ideas any1
  5. where do i start i got fed up with messing around with the aux heater that i bought a fully recon one but when i put it on nothing i have removed the temp sencer and put a switch in but nothing i dont even hear the little pump clicking with i turn the ignition on has any1 come across this problem b4 or has any1 any idea how to get it going as its doing my head in this is the 2nd year i have tried to get the thing to work
  6. Not sure exactly but I think someone on here has posted that info - probably Seatkid - but 6c seems to spring to mind. what about the leak any ideas how to stop it
  7. heres a pic of the port also how cold should the air be with the air con on as mine is cold but not frezeing like i thought it should be
  8. i changed the condenser last week ill take a pic and post it so people no what i mean
  9. was toping up my a/c as i always have to as i couldnt find the leak untill now noticed bubbles comeing from the low pressure port valve where i was filling it is there anything that i can get to stop it leaking from the valve as i noticed its connected to the reciver/dryer and dont want to be shelling out for one of them all ideas welcome at the moment i have put a o-ring inside the dust cap and tightend it up to try and stop it leaking but i cart see that working very well
  10. the pedal is hard when the engine is not running as soon as you start the engine the pedal go's to the floor the brakes do work to a point as long as you dont need to stop fast your ok but i aint driveing it as you never no when you need to stop fast
  11. my brake pedal go's slowly down to the floor when i put my foot on the it when the engine is started it doesnt do it when the engine is not runing i changed the master cylinder and still the same is there anything else it could be
  12. can any1 tell me where to find the k272 relay its has something to do with the aux heater and as i can find nothing else wrong it just might be that thanks
  13. you were right it should be pulsed any1 no where i can go from here or where i should look next
  14. tried the glow plug and its fine i have a constant feed to the pump does any no if theres is the same or does it pulse does any1 no if you can put a differnt pump on as from what i can make out the aux heater unit has a level for the fuel so it should cut the power when the fuel gets the the right level
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