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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by matthew_w

  1. The problem turned out to be the inhibitor switch - but the one actually in the gearbox not the extra one in the shift lever. The switch has been replaces (
  2. Hi guys - hope you can help me get my '96 V6 auto started. I've had a load of trouble with the auto box (and the auto box menders...) in the eighteen months I've had the car, but hoped it was all sorted out. But then the thing began to refuse to start with the selector in "P". though it would in "N". Then starting in "N" became troublesome, and now it won't start at all. Reading this forum, I would suspect the inhibitor switch in the shift lever. I've fiddled with the screw and got nowhere. I couldn't get the switch off without risking breaking something; any advice here would be appreciated. I'd like to short out the switch entirely - it's not fitted to LHD models apparently. But if that doesn't work, how can I start the car to get it to the professionals? People on this forum have said that the AA can short between the battery + and something. What? Is it the solenoid, and if so where is that? And how do I know which terminal?
  3. Posted three times - I got an error message each time and thought it hadn't gone through. Sorry! Matthew
  4. On my way to its MOT, I noticed that when the front screen demister on my 2.8 auto Galaxy was on, the battery warning light came on. Nothing else - full lights, rear window demist, electric windows, aircon/heater, all of the above together - caused the light. Front heated window on - on comes the light. Off - the light goes off. The garage diagnosed a faulty alternator and had it rebuilt and charged me
  5. On my way to its MOT, I noticed that when the front screen demister on my 2.8 auto Galaxy was on, the battery warning light came on. Nothing else - full lights, rear window demist, electric windows, aircon/heater, all of the above together - caused the light. Front heated window on - on comes the light. Off - the light goes off. The garage diagnosed a faulty alternator and had it rebuilt and charged me
  6. On my way to its MOT, I noticed that when the front screen demister on my 2.8 auto Galaxy was on, the battery warning light came on. Nothing else - full lights, rear window demist, electric windows, aircon/heater, all of the above together - caused the light. Front heated window on - on comes the light. Off - the light goes off. The garage diagnosed a faulty alternator and had it rebuilt and charged me
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