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About ant192

  • Birthday 01/21/1983

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    Galaxy 01 V6 ghia
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  1. I assume that you are refering to adjusting the beam alignment, this is a manual process and one of the few things that vag-com cannot do for you. Do a search for beam alignment to find out more..
  2. I'm hoping for some help/advice to get the galaxy back on the road - If there is anyone on here that has done this please let me know your experiences. So, for background, a bit of steam and loss of coolant from an unseen area right down at the back of the engine prompted me to take the gal (mk2 v6) to the garage for a bit of investigation. According to the garage i have a leak in my heater matrix which is likely to set me back 600 as they need to take the dash out to reach it. 600 is simply not an option for me at the moment and by the looks of some of the posts neither is doing i myself. I've taken the car home and what i think i'd like to do is bypass the heater matrix for the time being and get the matrix replaced when i can afford to. By taking out the tray below the wipers i can see 2 hoses running vertically at the back of the engine bay, are these the two that run up (or down?) into the heater matrix? I would assume that i just need to introduce a u bend into the system at this point - any thoughts on plastic/copper/rubber and how to secure the new section of pipe? Also does anyone know the diameter of this bit of pipe. Thanks as always
  3. Ok, a little update. I took the car to get the wheels aligned on sunday. That seemed to straighten the steering wheel. When my husband got home on monday (yay) he reset the basic setting on the steering angle sensor with vag-com, and hey presto, no ESP warning light. So it would appear that little problem is fixed. My car still makes a horrible grinding noise though, we checked the suspension and wheel bearings today and there appears to be no problems or play in anything. So i'm a bit stumped now. I've been using the car reguarly, it may just be me getting used to it but when i have been driving a while (i mainly do short journeys) it seems to get a bit quieter. like something warming up. We made a couple of other discoveries today too, firstly the car had an EVAP emissions fault code which we found out was me not putting the fuel cap on properly!! Secondly that the garage that did my gearbox have decided to hang on to my engine and battery cover (in addition to
  4. The noise is maybe slghtly worse. In a way i just want whatever it is to break so that i know what it is! My hope is that the noise, steering off-centre and steering angle sensor code is all the same thing. From reading other forums, the tracking being out could make the sensor record a fault, and it needs calibrating: From ross-tech wiki 00778 - Steering Angle Sensor (G85): Mechanical Failure Possible Causes * Steering Angle Sensor (G85) Basic Setting lost * Steering Angle Sensor (G85) Installation Position incorrect * Suspension Geometry incorrect - Could this mean tracking/wheel alignment? From the sounds of it i have to then re-calibrate the sensor - http://wiki.ross-tech.com/index.php/VW_Sha...s_(MK25)#Coding I've borrowed some axle stands and trolley jacks so the plan for the weekend is - tracking on sat (anyone have any advice on where, what type what price etc) then if necessary have a good look underneath at bushes, bearings to try to find the source of the noise. Anything else i should check while i'm there? wish me luck ;)
  5. Right, called the garage today to find out if its ready. they told me that they have had the box out stripped down (took 2 days?) but still cannot find the cause of the noise. they say that the noise is still there though. The prognosis was "could be a wheel bearing or summit, love". great Luckily my hubby is back next week, but he will be as stuck as me i think. I forgot to ask if the tracking had been done, would dodgy tracking cause wheel bearing noise?
  6. Ok, car has gone back to the gearbox specialist, the mechanic came out with me on a test and fortunately it seemed to be particuarly noisy, which i guess made him take me seriously! Still a bit tight lipped on what he thought may be wrong tho. They've kept the car overnight, its going on the ramp tomorrow, and he conceeded that he may have to take the box out again, which he seems reluctant to do and will take a couple of days. Just goes to show, make sure that if you get work done - that you are clear that it is guaranteed for a period of time. Regarding the steering angle sensor and wheel alignment, I read on a audi forum that wheels that need tracking would give a steerig angle sensor problem, so this could well be a simple fix. I know that they were ok when it went in, how would the garage taking the engine/box/subframe out affect the traking? I'll post when i hear back from the garage Vicki
  7. Cheers for all your help guys! I'm going to call the garage tomorrow and explain that the noise/vibration has got worse and that i'd like them to check the tracking and driveshafts and try to find the problem. I'll post what happens over the weekend.
  8. Hi guys, hoping that someone can help me with the problem on my mk2 v6 auto gal. My gearbox broke a few weeks ago and after shelling out
  9. Finally got the car back today. Posting for info in case anyone else gets the same problem and wants to know how much it will cost. After telling the gearbox specialist that i couldnt afford to have the car repaired and would have to tow it home they dropped the asking price by
  10. Hello just a quickie, I have a MK2 early X reg Gal, with a VR6 Autobox that is kaput. Think i have found a box for
  11. Oh anyone know my gearbox code or whether there is a haynes for the engine/box/car?
  12. The back band has broken and scored the drum. New gearbox
  13. Well, I checked the linkages inside the car under the selector and they were fine. I did have some misfire faults on the VAG-com but I think they are prob no related and linked to another problem i had recently. I have booked it into a gearbox specialist in Hove (any1 used it?, comments) so just waiting to see how many kidneys i will need to sell now! Someone mentioned the reverse gear solenoid to me since, anyone have any knowledge on this?
  14. hahaha very good
  15. Any1 out there with any expertise in this area? PLEASE! my wife is due any day and I really can't afford garage prices!
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