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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by SiandSharon

  1. Hi, I have on and it is a great piece of kit, a lot better that the Thule twin arm type. Its comes apart for very easy storage,put it together and load the bikes (after practice)in 5 minutes, it is one of the few that has an integral locking system (1:to the tow bar; 2:locking the bikes to the frame itself; 3:locking the light board to the frame.) You can tip to allow access to the boot and for the cost (try ebay) you can't beat it.
  2. Hi, Had a search through here but couldn't find anything really relevant. We've got a 03 TDi and whilst driving home last night we realised we can no longer switch on the interior lights using the switches, they work fine when you open the door but that's not easy to do at 70mph!! The wife was not happy that she couldn't find the little ones bottle that he'd managed to bounce off his sister's head, aren't babies nice... Has anyone had this fault before? And if so please let me know as the wife isn't too happy. Many thanks
  3. Hiya Beyond, I know what you mean about price but I have exactly the same policy just paying a lot less just wanted other people to try them out. I know some people won't save due to age, NCD, location etc etc but with prices the way they are every penny counts these days.
  4. Hi all, I don't post on here much, to be honest don't do much of anything except change, bath and wind now baby is here but would like to say thanks for the postings on insurance. I just went through Chris Knott and saved a fortune, I was with Elephant and was paying
  5. Many Thanks Miraz, finally got in contact with the garage and they are going to fix under the warranty.
  6. Hi, Well had my Gal for 5 weeks now and I have to say its brilliant, best car I have ever had, thanks for all the previous postings in convincing me and OH to get one. Had a flat 2 days after picking it up but thanks to event tyres got a great price on a new one, would recommend them. We hadn't really used the AC (we have the digital panel one) it wasn't really cold but as all cars I have owned have different levels of cold I didn't think much of it but it keeps flashing (every symbol known to man) on start up, is this an indication of a fault? Well as the OH is 7 months I got it regassed at Kwik fit (3hrs) and it got cold!! Today I jumped in put it on and guess what it warm again. How can I tell what is wrong? Kwit fit said it might need to be regassed again in 3 weeks to make sure it is topped up correctly, are they talking crap as I thought once it is topped up it should last for a few years at least? Many thanks for any help in advance.
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