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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    1.9 TDI
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    North West

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Do you still need a minimum of two keys coded for the vehicle to start on the 2001 model? Does it still use the master & slaves setup?
  2. Turbo control pipe info: The diagram on the left is for 90bhp models with an external wastegate. The diagram on the right is for 110bhp+ models with VNT turbo. http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o99/inisj/N75earlyandlate.jpg
  3. If it is the older Philips fixed code 'static' transponder chip, you can get the one in your complete main key 'cloned' at any good auto-locksmith, giving you 2 working ignition keys again. If it is the later Philips crypto 'rolling code' type, a very good auto-locksmith or the dealer is required.
  4. Your 'Limp mode' could be due to a few different problems (mostly boost & boost control related) Leaks in the vac control tubing, MAF, failing/blocked/wrongly connected N75 boost control valve, sticking VNT mechanism on 110bhp upwards, or oil fouled wategate actuator on 90bhp engines are some of the main culprits for 'overboost' or 'underboost problems. These links are useful for your engine: http://forums.tdiclub.com/showthread.php?p=714028 http://forums.tdiclub.com/showthread.php?t=179589 Most likely vac control leak or vnt 'vanes' sticking. (power loss around 3000rpm in 3rd gear or above, under load/hills or motorway speeds. Cycling the ignition restores power)
  5. No revs and a high idle could be the fly-by-wire throttle potentiometer? If the unit fails, revs are raised so you can limp to a garage. Easy VNT clean is: Unbolt CAT from turbo, spray 'carbon remover' (Mr Muscle or barbecue cleaner) into hotside, work vnt rod/lever for 10 mins, leave for an hour, spray more and work lever again, mop up, bolt CAT back on, go for drive with your fully unstuck VNT mechanism.
  6. If your EGR control valve stops working it is a bonus, it will save having to disconnect your EGR manually (may trigger DTC's etc on some PD's). It will not affect the MOT. All TDI's with an internal wastegate (VNT) suffer with this problem. Temperature is the key, either changing gear at higher revs, or taking it for an extended high load journey once a month. My car was always much improved after towing a heavy trailer for several hours. It would limp for the first 50 miles, then run more powerfully and smoothly for upto a month, slowly starting to limp again. The CAT is also given a good clean by prolonged exhaust temps.
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