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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    2000 galaxy tdi
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    South West

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  1. stereo code was written on top so its working nw but the display is flashing all the time any ideas please
  2. the boot doesnt open at all the central locking works on boot just dont open
  3. galaxy 1.9tdi x reg once car is started the brake light stays on the dash doesnt go off even though brakes r fine any ideas
  4. its the 2 rear passanger side windows and all other work
  5. the standard cd player in galaxy tdi x reg needs a decoding but dont have it is there any way of getting it with out braking bank thanks
  6. got a galaxy tdi 2000 and the central locking doesnt work with key fob but can lock it manual in boot any ideas thanks
  7. just brought a 2000 tdi galaxy and the 2 rear windows dont work but all the rest does any ideas
  8. Just brought a 2000 galaxy tdi and the boot wont open. it locks and opens with the key buy wont open any ideas please
  9. hi got a galaxy today n reg 2ltr an it started leaking power steering fluid i had look underneath an it was coming out of a sensor on the end of the pipe on the drivers side so i need a lil help cos aint got a clue what its called were to get a cheap one an do i ave to replace the pipe aswell anyone got a idea thanks
  10. hi got a galaxy today n reg 2ltr an it started leaking power steering fluid i had look underneath an it was coming out of a sensor on the end of the pipe on the drivers side so i need a lil help cos aint got a clue what its called were to get a cheap one an do i ave to replace the pipe aswell anyone got a idea thanks
  11. hi everyone here goes my partner was drivin my 1996 2.8 glx and it cut out and wouldnt restart when i got to the car it just clicked so ive changed the starter this morning and it still does the same but ive also noticed that if u turn the key there is smoke coming from one of the earth wires and cant find why i really need some help thanks.
  12. ok thanks ill give that ago cos its annoying open all the doors
  13. hi just woundering if anyone can help me ive been trying 2 find a wireing diagram 4 the central locking unit under the seat cos theres 3 wires off and not sure were they go back. the year is 96 cheers
  14. ok ill have a look tomorrow but i think they were the right way cos i went round all the pipes making sure they were getting hot and they looked ok not twisted or anything thanks.
  15. ill check them in the morning but if they were the wrong way would the heaters in the rear still be hot?
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