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Everything posted by rodders

  1. any of you with a sharan mk2 changed the headlight bulb drivers side...is it impossible to do it through wheel arch or do i have to loosen headlight...what about loosening the plastic inner wing any thoughts....dont want to loosen headlight itself incase of allignment problems...any pics...thanks..
  2. cant get no extra sorry took me ages to get him to get me it...with reference to my entry above if your saying my pd engine is wrecked...dont think so,running perfect i also read opening post wrong with the oil quoted mine was to vw 505.01..the reason why i rang carlube up themselves was to verify i was using the correct oil as it never stated pd engines...then he said..yes its the correct spec but they also do one just for a pd same spec...so replaced it...and with reference to what he said about damage...got to agree with you out there...thats why it was changed just in case...
  3. the last time i serviced my bus i used the same vw spec oil you have quoted it was only in it for 14 months, carlube triple r 5/40 fully synth same vw spec...it was only when looking on here & sharan forum that i realised how specific these pd engines are for correct oil...so i rang up carlube,even they confirmed what has been said on here that the oil that a pd needs has got to be 505.01..i also asked would the other spec oil have any damaging affect to my engine even though it was still a vw spec oil & fully synth ..he said only long term may be around 8 to 10 years & would mostly affect the particle filter & egr valve & maybe clog up the cat but never been proven...he also said the reason it needs 505/01 is because of fixed interval service what ever that is...iv since changed to correct oil carlube triple r 5-40 fully synth for pd engines as he said same price....i have now got castrol edge 5-40 for pd engines for next service as i can get this of a friend who works there for free....just play it safe & put pd oil in it.alot cheaper than an engine..thats my opinion anyway...
  4. just to add...this is not my vw bus mine in perfect working order thank god...im asking for a mate who has no net so cant use these forums...also there is nothing wrong with his its just what he got told believe it or not by fraud dealer....thanks anyway...
  5. quick one.. is it true that if you drive a tdi hard over a distance (motorway) then road driving straight after the dmf can slip due to heat & friction...
  6. thanks for that madbaz ill have a look later photos are great looks alot simpler now but im sure mine is different with it being mk2 im not with the bus at mo but im sure its just to the left of my light switch just hope its a simple as yours....
  7. cheers for that ill have a look when i finish work & let you know ....ps thought it wouldn't be a little straight forward removal & replacement job nothing ever is on these buses...
  8. "one would think from that alone that the the op is talking about the switch on the dash".......mk2vr6 that is correct i am talking about the one in the dash just to the side of headlight switch...the reason why im asking is before if i moved it to adjust lights the switch when turned you could feel very slight resistence ie like a cog sort of feeling now just rolls thats why im looking towards the switch in dash plus im still on shifts till monday so wont be able to look at it till then thats why im picking your brains first...
  9. the auto headlight adjustment in my bus has stopped working, ie seems to just spin as if it has come of its its spindal or something,so bassically i cant adjust up or down 0-1-2-3...before i take this out is it a sealed unit as it looks as if dash dimmer is attached..or best just get new one ...can it be opened so i can look at it...also dash dimmer working properly...ps its set in the 0 position now but planning on getting caravan so need it working....anyone done this...
  10. just to say great photos very helpful just done my mk2 03 sharan its just as you have described didnt have to undo wiper motor or anything bit of a struggle but done in about 25 mins still with all my skin intact...nice one for this..
  11. http://www.dnatuning.com (john) stratford upon avon -also postal -
  12. do your homework first to see which is best for you if its a tdi you can get between 30 to 50% more power plus around 70nm more torque...if petrol about 10 -20% more gain if turbo version non turbo save your dough youll gain nothing....the best one i know of down south stratford on avon is dna tuning..john his name is look on the net for him even just to pick his brains very helpfull...he also does ecu postal remaps when distance is an issue...bassically take your ecu out send recorded you have it back in 3 days downfall is your without a bus for a couple of days...most tuners do postal for a cheaper price dna for example charge
  13. what sept said above is correct alls im saying is im saving money on less trips to get derv as i now travel further per full tank eg: i get on average per full tank & the way i drive between 50 to 80 more miles per tank so long term iv got my 250 perchase price back...and the power is there when require ie overtaking...thats it from me on this subject ...remap workes for me..steer clear of cheap tuning boxes...
  14. thats right apparently i could have got up to 170bhp or there abouts but its all about the torque thats how im getting my mpg...less gear changes as the car has more power so not in gear as long also better throttle response.. obviousley if i just booted it everywhere id be at a loss...also better overtaking when required...the deal i got in merseyside but he also does mobile in northwest area price was 2 cars done
  15. smart arse hey who just tries to read between lines..what i am saying is my ultimate gain is mpg but as an added bonus iv got the power as well...and also if you read properly you will see that after it was done i had a month trial and if i didnt benifit got money back...& the contridiction is that if your after more power this is great but forget your mpg as you wont get it something that you will never have drivin a vr6(mpg that is)...yes i do did have before & after figure & a graph to show boost and stuff,but my money back come due to miles gained on mpg saving im noy t total or a boy racer as vr6 drivers are probabley aged about late thirties aswell are you going through midlife crises,mpg savings cant appeal to you with driving a vr6 so whats your problem im just tring to give my opinion on not gettin tuning box...
  16. dont know wheather its to late to get in on this iv got a 115pd tdi sharan as with the price of derv i was thinking of one of these boxes until i saw my mate who had one on his passat..took it of as coming up to 12 months of using it loads of smoke & cost him a cat...so as i needed more mpg looked into remap..after research had it done...very good money back deal if it wasnt proved..so i did,after month of driving gone from 36.5 to 41.5mpg round town to 55 on a run...im made up..also gone from 115 to 150bhp and best of all less gear changes because of the increased torque wich has gone from 310 to 380...great when fully loaded...dont get me wrong im not advertising anything but my opinion is stuff this cheap has got to have side affects but then again you get what you pay for..i had my money back for remap in 2 and a half months thats my saving but thats my view..also dont know if anyone has had the limp mode thing on ther 115 i spent small fortune on trying to solve this to no avail..since my remap havent had it since my guess is its a power thing hardly hear of it on 130 or higher..wich is another reason i had it done...thanks anyway...ps also rang my insurance & to my surprise no extra money ...(bonus) also if your a f1 driver & are after mpg forget this the power gain is great but mpg crap...
  17. i used it on my 2001 tdi galaxy when i had that even with all the problems that come with them anyway the head went on mine i used 2 bottles did do any good what so ever for me ended up gettin head skimmed cost
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