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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Galaxy 2.3
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  1. If you take your time and lift / slide the door card upwards and NOT "prize off" you wont need new yellow clips as you shouldnt break them..... Most people will have realised this if they have followed the above procedure.
  2. Good Morning, N E one else had the problem of the retractable parcel shelf not retracting back into the holder cartridge. This item use to work in the same way as a retractable seatbelt. But now the tension has gone and the item will not retract. On each end of this item there is a small screw and a couple of small grommets. However with all of these removed the ends of the cartridge do not appear to come off. Does any one know how to remove these ends and is the item repairable? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Kinds Regards G7enn :)
  3. The heavens opened.... the heavens closed... play resumed.....PLAY ??? what did the peopls say ???? Patience....... and patience paid off... A BIG thankyou once again to all who have contributed especially the lady MUMOF4... without whom... I wouldnt have started the adventure. So to conclude, to align linkage, I removed wiper arms, removed plastic trim as before......replaced the wiper arms at this stage without trim, Oh what a joy.. at this stage it is possible to undo the centre connection of the motor to the linkage. physically move the wiper blades / linkage to the correct rest position and reconnect the motor to the linkage, removed arms, replaced trim, Finally reconnected arms and this time it really was..... HEY PRESTO........... A saving of
  4. :( ...... There was me thinking it was another electrical problem..... :( .... But NO ! This time .... Mechanical... (Linkage failure - seizure on one side)...... I found this article and after trawling through eventually decided to bite the bullet as it were. After an hour or so of taking pieces off and wondering which, if any would be left over when reassembling ??? Eventually the linkage was out... then the FUN began.. You really do need lots of WD40.. Hammers... Grips... a good vice... and possibly if you are really lucky a blow torch. :angry2: After 2 days... You all said it took patience (ARRRRGGHHHHH !!) blood sweat and tears helped... The beast was apart... cleaned (lubed - went with the copper slip - popular concensus) reassembled.. Then terror struck !!! "how the hell do I reconnect the motor into the correct positon? " "ARRGGHHH !!!!" I thought if I connected the motor without the linkage.. turned on the ignition, the motor would set to park.. Ignition on, motor moves... :lol: Ignition Off :) As the motor continues in one direction, I thought that assembling now, reconnecting arms in rest position, turn on ignition and HEY PRESTO !! but alas no... More like (GIVE ME THE HAMMER !!!) The wipers want to travel across the bonnet and wipe the water from that too.... Maybe out of guilt for not wiping the bloody windows for such a long period, but I doubt it.. more likely to be my seriously floored wiper linkage reassembly rest position technique... :( Its raining again....:( and I desperately need to get it sorted... all the patience you all so kindly recommended is rapily running out. Please would someone be so kind and advise how I position the motor back onto the linkage so that it is the correct position when reassembled into the car.... All information would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.... G7enn
  5. Good Evening Nigel, Thank you kindly for the detailed diagnostics, one more, thing I googled VAG-Com... but could find no free down loads, can you or other member point me in the right direction... Ty
  6. How and where did you det to use VAG-com ???? (Diagram now attached)
  7. We have the continuous bleep for 7 or 8 seconds from the rear, nothing from the front and the ominous flashing of the switch on the dash. We have any number of electrical problems with our Galaxy 2.3 Ghia March 2001. Thanks to this thread, I have just about to remove the passenger seat to remove and initially dry out the parking sensor module, part number YM21 15K866 AA, Ford Finis 1111381. Hopefully this will rectify one of the myriad of electrical problems we now have. Thankyou all to a great site, with an invaluable technicle section. (Have a Microcat image of parts involved - but not sure how to upload - could be temporary restrictions for a new user) I haven't checked for the clicking. :wacko: as yet. (Is there any way of checking each sensor ? The part number of the sensor on our Galaxy from 15/04/2000 to 15/042002 is YM21 15K859 BA, Ford Finis 1121129 (same for all 8 pieces 4 at the front and 4 at the rear) Thanks in advance for any help and I will post my findings..........
  8. We have any number of electrical problems with our Galaxy 2.3 Ghia March 2001. Thanks to this thread, I have just about to remove the passenger seat to remove and initially dry out the parking sensor module, part number YM21 15K866 AA, Ford Finis 1111381. Hopefully this will rectify one of the myriad of electrical problems we now have. Thankyou all to a great site, with an invaluable technicle section. :wacko: (Have a Microcat image of parts involved - but not sure how to upload - could be temporary restrictions for a new user)
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