Solved problem on 1999 galaxy tdi, no speedo or cruise. The wire inside the rubber sleave located at the back off the engine going to the speed sensor at the top of the gearbox was at fault. It runs up tha back off the engine around the right hand side off the head into the round multi plug connector just in front off the head. About the level off the head gasket on the right. If you put a multi meter on the speed sensor plug and the other end in this plug you may find this fault. 3 wires on the plug, blue and white wire into multi plug, black wire into multi plug, green wire with brown stripe is the earth going to 10mm nut on the front of the multi plug bracket. I found the earth was brittle and rusty coloured all inside its rubber sleave from engine heat over time. chopped the earth from the speed sensor plug up to the 10mm nut on the other end, fitted new earth and bingo all working. As the speed sensor is plastic and multi plug plastic the fault was no decent earth. Sorry to be long winded but tried to help people with no or little knowledge where to locate wire. the speed sensor wire is inside a tin foil type protection blanket on top of the gearbox at the back, easiest way put arm from underneath the car from the middle onto top off gearbox, no need to remove plastic pan but unplugged it and pushed it up towards the turbo air intake pipe the got it from the top of the engine by removing turbo air intake pipe.