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  1. The way the remote locking works is that every time you press the button on the remote the remote locking unit sends a pulse down the wire to either lock or unlock. What has probably happened is that the wire connecting the remote locking unit to the central locking has become disconnected ( or severed) In my car, 1998 Gal, the relevant wires are red/black and green/blue in the P5 connector in the main fuse box. Yours will almost certainly be different but basically you have to trace this wire between the central locking system and the remote module to see where the break is. if you do a search for remote locking, peopl have installed after market units to ther Gals and they will say which wires lock and which unlock
  2. How did you get on John? I just fitted remote locking to my June 98 Gal so I now know which wires are the lock and unlock ones. However, they (Frauds) seem to be changing these all the time as they were different colours to what anyone else has posted so far for a Mk 1 Gal (red/black to lock and green/blue to open)
  3. If the paddle was broken he would not be able to lock the drivers door with the key so that can't be the problem. When the new door lock motore was fittied, the lock and un lock wires would have needed to be connected as well.
  4. Hi Nikki It seems we work for the same bank!! I'm based in London. I too smiled at your point about Scotsmen buying you beer. Say hi when you evetually make it to London !!
  5. Fitted a towbar to my June 1998 Galaxy over the weekend including single electrics. More straightforward than I imagined so if anyone is doing the same and has any questions I'd be happy to oblige Managed to get one (Tow Trust) with no bumper cut and electrics, towball. bumper protector all included for
  6. If you take the connections from the stereo, the ignition switched is yellow, earth is brown. Red is always on 12v.
  7. Before May 1998, the CLM was under the front passenger seat. Jun 1998 and following, the CLM is integrated into the fusebox which is under the dash on the drivers side - referred to by Frausd as the CJB.
  8. Thanks to all who came back to me on location of plug. I've looked under my ashtray (by removing the tray) and there's nothing there. Will check below the fuse box.
  9. Stev00 - is the plug for this device also under the ashtray in your 2.3 Gal?
  10. There is a spring which may have become rusty and less "springy". However, if you went to a Fruads they will tell you to replace the entire handle - front door ones with lock barrel andkeys are
  11. Not sure what you are asking for exists....most vehicles now have electronic engine management etc so you can't just have simple electronics. Also, would mean you didn't have things like power steering, ABS, traction control..all things I'd say were essential these days. Might be easier if you did a course on car electronics :o
  12. There isn't one for a MK1 on the forum but you can try this link which gives some info on the wires and what they do. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=11841
  13. Actually I thought he was from DEFRA...
  14. OH I thought there would be a convenient plug for this purpose. Perhaps I'd better leave it to a garage as I have to get a servcie anyway. Thanks for the helpful replies.
  15. Okay tried to start installing my remote locking kit today. Went to the fusebox so I could tap into the loom behind it and....aaaargh my torx screwdriver is too wide to fit into the recessed hole the torx screws are in. ( It is one of those sets where you have multiple screw driver bits that fit into one handle) Will have to get a new torx set - how fustrating
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