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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

William Orkmate

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Everything posted by William Orkmate

  1. My Alhambra failed on Thursday exactly he same as Alanuk...I fixed it just as he described...except I missed out all the selector cable enquiries thanks to this post...so thanks a million Alanuk... I did remove the battery box entirely as described...but don't think I needed to...removing the bottom part of the tray (which secures the LHS engine mount) was not nessecary on my car...if I had looks more closely I would have seen that I could remove just the side and back and had exactly the same access to the gear selectors. I used a piece of wood and a hammer to push the selector down...and a slide hammer with hook to pull it up (gently!)...I didin't have access to an adult helper...but Natasha (7) did fine at working the lever....thanks again Alanuk.
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