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    vw sharan
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    North West

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  1. Thanks for the response. I found the faq on how to do the passenger side one perfect but found a black box in the wing above the plastic preventing me from doing this on the drivers side. i did find that if the wipers are fully up next to the a-pilers then the drivers scuttle drain is easily accessible from under the bonnet. Any tips and hop to dry a foot well out? cheers
  2. i am getting the classic water in foot well problem and i am fairly sure it is blocked scuttle drains. i have read the FAQ solution and will try that tonight but i had two questions. Is there a drain on both sides of the car or just near side? I am only getting water in the drivers foot well. Secondly would i be able to see to openings to these drain/drains from under the hood to see if there are filled with water? Is the rubber flap thing (mentioned in the FAQ) obvious once the plastic wheel arch is removed? if not does someone have pictures? Thank you
  3. Hi all. I have been having problems with my sharan starting. When starting from cold (it seems to get far worse if the car is left for more that a few days without starting it) i will turn it over but only one or two cylinders will be firing. After a few goes, about 10 attempts today, it come into life and runs fine after the point that all four cylinders kick in. Any clues? is this a common fault? Thank you
  4. that would be another problem, i only have one key for the car. I will get another done and see how i get on with that. Would the fuel relay come up as an error when diagnostics are run on it?
  5. i am ok in theory but not much practice. The biggest problem with this is that is only seems to happen randomly (twice in 700miles of driving this weekend). It also has developed problems starting if it has been left for a while. It will turn over fine but only intermittent firing until 3rd attempt normally when it chugs into life and regains smooth idle after a few seconds. I think this must be to do with the same problem. (had new leads and plugs a month ago) I did a diagnostic when it started and the only error it returned was an error in reeding the imboiliser chip. Thanks for the help so far
  6. when it lost power it was a complete loss of power, it was as if i was costing with the engine off, i don't know if that makes a difference.
  7. I was on an A road in my 96 2.0l petrol Sharan and i had a sudden loss of power. It sounded like the engine wasn't firing at all but no dash warning lights came on and electrics were still running but the steering became very heavy. I happened to be next too a lay-by so pulled into that turned ignition off then is started fine and had no problems for the rest of the trip. When trying to leave my destination the same thing happened but it sounded like some of the postions were firing but again no power, no warning lights and heavy steering. Has anyone had any similar problems? Using this infinite knowledge of this forum can you guys point me at what might be wrong. Thank you, James
  8. http://www.parkers.co.uk/cars/road-tax/ This seems to calculate it for you, i am ok as have a pre 2001 sharan.
  9. That is the plug for the VAG-COM engine management
  10. I have just received a cable off e-bay and installed it with the driver that came with it. I then installed the share ware version of VAG-COM and making sure my cable was on com 4 tried to test this port (with no car attached) and got a message saying com port was there but no cable. i tried up-dating the driver that i got with my cable (called usb serial port) to the drive you receive with the vag-com software and it said the driver is not for this device. Is this not working cos i have no car attached or is it somethinkg else?
  11. That is one of the things i definatly didn't wan't it to be. How do you find out if it is leaking without paying someone to take the whole thing apart? if you had same problems as me could these not be caused by a leak anywhere else in the clutch or brake systems?
  12. i have made another check and the fluid level is definatly good and not changing. What else could it be?
  13. It is only when i apply the brakes at speed, not while just driving normaly at speed. Tyres are dfinatly inflated to corect pressure.
  14. Not sure, i don't think so. I have only checked it once as i had brakes bleed by garidge few weeks ago so thought i would have loads of fulid. Only had car for a month.
  15. This is a strange problem and it only happens sometimes but after braking hard or for a long time if i try an use the clutch even when the pedal is depressed to the floor it still won't quite disengage. When this happens after i get moving again or take my foot of the brake the glutch bite point move back up to about mid travle on the clutch pedal. I have checked the fluid level and it is about half way between max and min, should i top it up? are there anything i can do to get rid of this? i don't know if i have abs or not. Cheers 96 sharan GL, 2.0l petrol,
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