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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About v_leesy2k1

  • Birthday 01/16/1978

Profile Fields

  • Vehicle Type
    galaxy 1.9 tdi 2000 model
  • Vehicle Model
  • Region
    North West

Contact Methods

  • MSN

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  • Gender
  • Location
    manchester area

v_leesy2k1's Achievements


Member (2/8)



  1. so happy it worked i wasnt looking forward to stripping it at all
  2. turbo cutting out all the time error code was over boost on vag com been haveing a problem with my turbo for a few months now was gonna take my turbo off and strip it and clean it but today i thaught ill try a tin of 10k boost power restore and it seems to have sorted it turbo not cutting out at all now so the 20quid it cost me for the tin has saved me 2 days work thaught id put this up for any1 haveing the same probs
  3. got a new head and repaired the car all in all cast me 300QUID all for the sake of a 26quid belt what a shitter so the moral ov the story is always change your cam belt when its due hey
  4. when my lock collapsed i just went and got an after market remote locking kit and wired it up to the boot very cheep alternative to replacing the barrel if you have central locking
  5. hi im looking for a avg 115 cylinder head as my cam belt went and it tottald mine and im stook without a car till i can get 1 i seen a avg 90 for sale on ebay going cheep does any 1 know if this would do it or not my car is a galaxy on an Xplate cheerz V
  6. cheers found it on the block its an avg 115 just need to find a head for it now as mine is totally nafft its bent the cam all the follower have damage except 2 so new head it is or atleast a secondhand 1 cheers for ya help
  7. hope sum1 can help me last week my cambelt went i have took the head off and decided to look for another the problem is that there are a lot of diffrent types of engine can any1 tell me how do i find out what type of engine mine is iv not got a clue cheerz
  8. defo fit a drop plate my cousin had the same problem with the ass end of his van being lower than the front so the wind was lifting the back end and makeing him snake he fitted drop plate and doesnt have no probs now he totally snake free
  9. took my car for an mot i passed with flying coulors after the guy handed me my mot i told him bout the hissing noise and he said he had noticed it he said it could be cause iv got to much brake fluid in my hedder tank drain some off and it will stop if it dont its just back pressure what do u think ov that he blagging or what
  10. has any1 out there got any idea y i get a hissing sound from my brake peddal iv been told by a freind that its back pressure and not to worry bout it but my mot is due end of month will my car fail due to this noise it is intermittant and more anoying than anything else plz help
  11. and im on 20 meg and i run 2 laptops a pc and a ps3 on mine with no lag and no probs
  12. f/optic doesnt come to your home but it comes to a street near you and no1 was saying that virgin would charge u to go back to bt we were saying that bt dont charge u to switch back unless an engineer haz to be called out and who cares bout the price ov call charges most people use mobiles anyway but if you want a decent b/band service you should be with virgin its the best about
  13. i work for virgin media and i know u wont get charged to go back to bt but once u have sampled virgin b/band you will never go back bt b/band is a degraded service sent down a line that was designed to take voice calls thats y its slow vv slow i am an install engineer so i know what im talking about no1 else can offer 20meg as good as ours and soon 50meg will be hear so we will blow bt out ov the water and our b/band system was built for the job no changed like bt,s
  14. wanted x reg n/side wingmirror heated {cheaper than e-bay}
  15. and if i take the toe bar off ya how much would the electrics cost me
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