Hi All, I've recently acquired a 2003 Galaxy TDi Ghia with 56,000 miles on the clock. The ride seems to me to be rather bouncy. I didn't notice this in the test drive (i did notice some body roll through the corners though, but didn't seem different to any others i test drove). My previous cars have all had comparativly firm rides (the last being a focus ST170), so i initially put the bouncyness down to it being a bigger vehicle, built more for passenger comfort than being thrown round corners. Now i have been driving it for a couple of weeks, the bouncy ride is starting to concern me (even making me feel slightly nauseas on longer trips). My questions therefore are: *Is a bouncy ride normal? (or at least significntly bouncier than an ST170) *Is there an easy way i can test to see if there is a problem? *If there is a problem, what are the likely culprits? (rear dampers??) Thanks in advance Dave p.s. I couldn't get the search function to work properly, so apologies if this as been discussed previously.