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    Galaxy V6 Ghia X Auto

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  1. Thanks for the replies - this confirms my view as well - I think the local garage was just trying to fob me off. I'll try an independent VW/Audi garage instead as everything under the bonnet is badged as VW. Grandad
  2. My 1998 2.8 V6 Gal (105k) has been slow to change up when in 1st gear especially after stopping on the up slope of a steep hill. Also, when cold and waiting to pull away from a junction you can feel the gearbox sliping in and out of gear and you get a delayed thud after you've pressed the accelerator and you then jump forward. I've had the ATF checked and been told it's fine. Any ideas? Grandad
  3. Recently had my Galaxy 2.8 V6 re-gassed at Kwik Fit. Having previously pumped out warm air, after re-gassing, the centre vent temp went down to 8 C so it was much cooler than before. Just out of intterest how cool should it get? Also the mechanic at Kwit Fit re-gassed the system through the single port right in the front of the engine bay. He said he didn't have to get access to the other port behind the o/s/f indicator as he could do it all from the one port - although it would be slower. Kwik Fit re-gassed it with 950g. Is this correct? The Gal has c/c with temp & fan control buttons for front and back - is this dual control? Thanks Grandad
  4. Thanks for the quick response - I'll try milton fluid - and yes, i had been using cheap screen wash so let's hope that was the problem. Grandad
  5. I have been getting a smell like bad eggs when using the screen washer. I flushed out the washer bottle several times and filled it with fresh screen cleaner and water - but the smell has come back. How easy is it to remove the washer bottle to give it a thorough internal clean? Could I put some bleach in it or would this damage the paintwork? Any thoughts? Grandad 1998 2.8 V6
  6. If you have a worn inner cv joint is it advisable to replace both or can you get away with replacing only one? And, does anyone have an idea of the cost before I approach a garage? Thanks Grandad 1998 2.8 V6 Ghia X
  7. Check that the electrical connection is fully pushed home on the front of the expansion tank. The light will flash if it is disconnected. The connection may be loose or you may have knocked it if you have recently changed the battery. The connection point is directly behind the battery, low down on the expansion tank. I also have a flashing temperature light but mine is probably because I had a blown head gasket (
  8. When starting from cold, my 98 S reg V6 2.8 auto (97,000 miles) hesitates to get going and suddenly gives a lurch forward. This is more alarming when I get to the end of our short side road and have to turn right on to the main road. Once the engine has warmed up there is never any problem - just first thing in the morning! Thinking I needed to have the ATF level checked I arranged to take it in to the main Frauds dealer for them to check whilst I waited. They got it up on the ramp, asking me at the same time if I knew where the filler/drain plug was as he'd never checked one of these before. I politely pointed out the gear box to them and left them to it whilst I perused the new models in the show room (no Galaxy though!). I returned to the service area ten minutes later to see my pride and joy outside, "great they've finished it already" I thought. "Sorry mate we can't find a big enough spanner - you'll have to come back later in the week when we find one" Would you adam and eve it, they did not have a large enough allen key in the whole of their service/maintenance section to undo the drain plug! Needless to say I told them what they could do with it when they did eventually find one! I will now go to a local independent VW Audi garage and ask them to look at it. Does anyone else think this lurch forward when cold is due to low level ATF? Thanks in advance Grandad
  9. Saw the earlier reply from Steve S mentioning "cattle-grid effect". I sometimes get this on my 1998 2.8 Ghia X at around 1500 - 2000 revs. Is it caused by the auto box? Can it be fixed? I fitted a new maf last year but it made no difference. Thanks
  10. My banana shaped wipers only operate smoothly when there is plenty of rain on the screen - normally they judder noisily when on constantly, so I have to set the intermittant to a long pause to overcome it, which is not always safe. I have changed the wipers to straight ones but without any long term improvement. The juddering seems to occur on the upward sweep of the blade when the curve of the banana is providing most resistance against the glass. Could it be that there is too much pressure on the whole of the wiper arm from the the spring that holds the arm to the screen? Is it possible to change the springs for softer ones? Can I buy the whole arm? Is it possible to fit the aero blades to an S reg 1998 2.8 v6 Many thanks Grandad Galaxy 2.8 V6 1998
  11. Could someone please advise me of the procedure for entering the radio code? I have seen reference to having to leave the ignition key on setting 1 for about 1/2 hour before putting in the number? Also the radio code is 4184 yet the radio buttons are 1 - 6 Will all become clear when I have left the ignition on for the required time? Thanks Grandad 98 Gal 2.8 V6 Ghia X
  12. Many thanks for the replies - I'm going away for a few days but will check out your suggestions next week and keep you posted. Best regards to one and all - I really enjoy the helpful tips and humerous chat on this forum! Grandad
  13. My S reg Galaxy 2.8 has 2 electric cooling fans. As you look into the engine bay, the one on the far right always seems to be working when the ngine is running but I haven't noticed the left hand one (it is in the centre of the engine bay) ever working. The engine is not overheating although I have noticed the temp gauge is often near the red zone but never in it. I recently had the A/C serviced and the garage thought it might be a fan for the A/C? Might it be broken or could it be covered by its own fuse? Any thoughts? Thanks Grandad
  14. :lol: The tapping sound soon became a knocking noise which lessened when under acceleration but increased when foot off the accelerator, and disappeared when braking. I discovered that all the wheel nuts needed tightening on the front off side wheel!!! That's the last time I take my car anywhere near Frauds. I had originally taken the Galaxy in with a problem on the foot brake inhibitor switch which lets you press the button on the automatic gear lever, and a permanently lit abs light. Frauds they said the inhibitor switch problem was a loose connection but i also needed a new abs sensor and cv joints replacing. When I collected the car, guess what happened on the way home? the swith jammed and I couldn't move! I had to arrange another breakdown recovery vehicle to take me back to the garage. that's when they agreed with me that the brake pedal switch needed replacing after all (it was just a coincidence sir) and I then informed them of the tapping sound. To add insult to injury they even overcharged me on the original bill for another abs unit - but I had spotted that one and was reluctantly given a refund. At least they only charged me half the normal cost for the inhibitor switch replacement. Give me the tools.....................!
  15. I've just had new cv joint(s) and abs ring replaced on front off side wheel. On the way home I noticed a tapping sound coming from the front (gets faster with speed)and arranged to take it back to Frauds next available day. They said they couldn't hear anything when they took it out for a 3/10 mile road test and suggested it may have been something like a stone stuck in the tread. The noise is still there, you have to be on a smooth road to hear it. I have checked the tyres and jacked up the front to check that there are no loose cable ties etc. - everything appears fine. Could Frauds have upset something while they had the wheel off? Like a bearing perhaps? Come to think about it I haven't checked if they tightened up all the wheel nuts - I'll do that tonight! I presume they do have to take the wheel off to replace cv joints and abs ring? Any other thoughts before I take it back to Frauds again? Grandad (I'm not a real Grandad I used to own a Granada)
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