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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy Ghia 2.3

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  1. Thanks for all the help...all sorted thanks to me.
  2. As topic really took the kids to school no problems, parked up and next time out she is running dog rough sounds like running on 3 but pulled the plugs and considering they have never been out they looked pretty healthy, cars done 135k @ idle the car is shaking and sounding just like 3 firing give her some gas and it does smooth out but you can feel a flat spot when you press the gas fast ?. Had a look under the search for a few pointers but nothing really jumped out, I guess it could be worth changing the plugs but hate spending dosh on something which doesn't resolve the problem. Can a blocked injector cause this problem and can it develope so quickly ?. 2.3 Petrol 1999 is the model. PS Finding the 2 plugs under the coils was interesting :rolleyes:.
  3. So being a betting man would these fit ?. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:X:RTQ:GB:1123 Cannot for the life of me find my engine number which according to the logbook seems very short @ XT42743 Checked the TIS CD and that doesn't show me where it is...well it shows a picture but cannot see where it refers to lol.
  4. Looking more into this they do 2 sizes 288 diameter and 300 and according to 1 company the 1999 Galaxy's have the 288 discs so @ least that helps a bit.
  5. Well my front discs are well beyond their normal life so was looking to replace them, however there are loads floating about on ebay but some are for certain engine numbers only ?. Mine starts XT but cannot find any information as to which type to get based on this number...doh. Some are listed as fitting the Sharan and Alhambra as well as the Galaxy but don't want to order the wrong ones. Mine seem like standard 5 fixing 288 diameter discs ?. Anyone shed any light on which ones will fit my motor ?.
  6. Not at all move it where ever it's best suited :). Contacted Ford today in Birmingham they were very helpful turns out the idle pulley is now metal as posted elsewhere on here now the tensioner pulley is still plastic ? and as we thought not a seperate item the idle is @
  7. Top man Paul, hopefully your pulley will be the same as mine was :huh:, the plan is to hold back the tensioner and slip the pulley on to it's boss and then bolt on, not sure where the rest of mine went ?. Don't suppose anyone know's the part number for the idler pulley ?.
  8. Hi it's the tensioner pulley ?.
  9. Driving home tonight and battery light came on followed by lack of power steering, not easy to drive without it but got home and removed undertray and wheel to find the tensioner pulley has disintegrated, luckily the newly fitted belt seems fine. http://www.mortal-souls.com/mauser/galaxy/Sdc14797.jpg http://www.mortal-souls.com/mauser/galaxy/Sdc14798.jpg Fraud want over
  10. Wouldn't say regular maybe once every 2 years as only do about 3k a year, she has just clocked up 130,000
  11. Anyone know what might be causing my Galaxy to rattle ?, sounds like a tappet but are these not hydraulic ?, or could it be an injestor noise ?. Sometimes it goes but today it sounds terrible even when driving oil changed recently and new filter all Ford stuff, use the car for work so cannot afford for it to die on me + cannot afford to take it to a stealer to pay for them to look @ it :). Any thoughts on what might be going wrong, read somewhere about an engine flush to clean the lifters and make them seal ?.
  12. Wow found my original post, well those who said they wouldn't touch it with a barge pole were wrong lol. She has been great gone through a few drop links and that's it in 5 years car has been great never missed a beat apart from wire breaking in auto transmission tunnel the other day :P. Hope your all well etc :(.
  13. Didn't cost me a bean....just annoying tracking down these problems. Going to Llandudno so A55 all the way should at least engage cruise control once :lol:.
  14. OK only taken me 11 months to sort but finally fixed my cruise control, ended up being broken wire and nothing to do with the control module, pump or hose; said all along it would be electrical :lol:. Least when we go to sunny Wales in August I can use it.
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