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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by raving_dave

  1. I've got a MkII Galaxy and just had the rear tail light blow. So changing the bulb see there are three bulbs in the rear cluster. Top orange one is the indicators, bottom outside is dual filament tail light / stop light (the one I replaced). Question is what does the other one (5w - bottom inside) do? Doesn't seem to come on for any combination of lighting (I thought initially it may be the parking light set by the indicators). Or is it just a second tail light that has blown? I know its not reversing or fog light as these are in a separate cluster in the tailgate. thanks
  2. ...so the story continues....Plus a solution I've now found out there is a second torx screw at the bottom of the headlight at the outside edge, which explains why I couldn't get the headlight out - doh! However, position of screw means that I need a long thin extension to get the torx bit down to the bottom of the headlight - so got one on order from eBay for
  3. OK, so my offside sidelight has blown and needs replacing. I first tried to change the bulb as per the manual i.e. through the flap in the wheelarch, but I have not been able to supply sufficient twist to release the bulb holder. Tried using various implements in the bulb holder to get more leverage, but still no joy. Did a search on this forum and found that removing the headlight could be an easier option. So taking advice from various posts I have loosened the front grill, loosened but not removed the torx screw at the bottom of the headlight and pulled out the securing tag, removed the two torx screws at the top of the headlight. So now I can feel that the headlight is loose, but I still can't seem to generate enough free movement to get the headlight out - there doesn't seem to be enough free movement to get the bottom of the headlight over the lip of the front bumper. Any tips gratefully received. I can't believe it's this much hassle to change a standard bulb - makes a mockery of the laws in France which state that you must be able to replace a blown bulb at the roadside! thanks
  4. Thanks for your help - all seems to working OK now, can see pictures and also repy to posts etc. - Also been able to change my email address back to my main address. Now just need to get on and fix the problems with the car!
  5. Hi all, raving_dave here. I originally registered back in Nov07 under the name of ravingdave, and managed to make one post in the rear washer section of common faults. However, I was not able to view any of the images in the forum - I could see them if I downloaded a topic, but not when just browsing on the message board. Then a couple of weeks ago I tried again and found not only could I not view the pictures, but also I could not post any replies - I just kept getting an error screen saying that "flood control was in operation - try again in 30 seconds". I found I was able to put a post in this "Introductions" section, and so I posted with my problems with images, and general access problems. For some reason the post was dated 23 Feb 2008! I'm not sure if anyone did something to my profile but the next day all of the images appeared in the forum without any problem, but I could still not post any replies, and also was not able to create any new topics. All I could do was edit my original post in the introductions area, and send email messages. After some email discussion with one of the forum administrators I created a new account (this one: raving_dave), and if this message appears then it is letting me create a new topic, and also it appears to be allowing me to reply to topics without getting an error message. However, on the downside, it has reverted back to not displaying images in the forum - all it shows is an icon with a hyperlink to the <filename>.jpg, but when I click on it I get an error message telling me that this function is not available. I seem to be able to see the pictures OK if I download an entire topic, but cannot view them in the normal messageboard view. One other dis-advantage of re-registering is that you need to provide a different email address, so I am hoping that one of the administrators can delete my original ravingdave account, so that I can reset my email address on this new account to my usual email address. Fingers crossed that this works, and still appreciate any thoughts on how I can make images re-appear Thanks Raving_Dave (03 Tdi Auto, rear washers now working, front wheel bearing worn, and A/C control unit flashing)
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