I would like to confirm it works :D This is for a new shape 2007 onwards Ford Galaxy Ghia..... Well done, I have been trying to find someone with the info for months... Although it was not exactly right in the order, It did work after 2 tries. How I did it:- Put one key in the ignition and turn the key from 0 to II four times and it bleeped, then I to II fours times quickly then press each keyfob and they each made the car bleep in this proccess. First time I did it wrong and all the keyfobs stopped working. But dont panic this isnt scientist stuff, Tried it again and all the three buttons on each key worked..Lock, Unlock, Unlock Backdoor. Remember after the 0 to II comes the bleep, then you do I to II four times quickly, then press any button on each Fob including the one that stays in the ignition and you will hear the bleep again for each keyfob. Remeber after you finish pressing all the KeyFob remotes wait about 10 seconds or turn to II, this you must do or the settings are not saved. I realised when I heard the beep thats when you do the I to II fours times then press any button on the Fob.. Thank you again "Insider" for the info, possibly your order was for a different Ford but gave the right idea...Well Done