i have a 2.0 ghia 1996 i have had no problems with the car its been very reliable. But the co is very high and i cant get them down. first i bought a new lamba, toke it back for retest and the reading had not changed. so next i had a new cat fitted. and still no change. every one i have spoken to has said they dont understand why it has not solved the problem. so i toke it to my local ford dealer for them to have a look and they said it was the lamba. so i got another new one, as they said the one i fitted was faulty. After they fitted it they said they got the emission down a bit but not enough to pass the m.o.t. they then went on to tell me that this one may be faulty too and i would need to have a original ford one fitted to eliminate the lamba. they told me they had tested everything and there was no problems with anything else so it had to be the lamba or i was going to need a new power control module. what do you think? any help and would be very greatful. what the chances of getting two faulty lambas?