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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    South West

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  1. Does anyone know if they're allowed to ask for extra money if the price goes up? I paid a deposit and have the written agreement etc for all the amounts but under the old prices. Now that they've increased their prices for the 2008.5 model would they be within their rights to demand more cash from me? Cheers.. Farr They havent ask any extra money of me for the 2008.5 model.I have now been given my registation number and i will be picking my car up on the 22nd march...Happy Days. :wub:
  2. Just Another question...If my car was to be built on the 3rd march.When would the dealer have the vin number ? would it be next day,same day ?
  3. So our cars will be build nearly the same times (a day apart),aprrox 2 weeks for delivery which may end up being 3 weeks.Anytime in march would do but anything after that and i'd be upset. WHY ME...May i asked who your dealer is ?Internet ?
  4. Ordered my galaxy on the 23rd of janaury and was told the build date would be 20th of feb but since change the model from lx to edge and new build date was 3rd of march.Was then told the car would arrive in about 2 weeks. After reading all these stories,i think i am being strung along and the car wont be here for a long long time yet. I wasnt ask any extra for the model change. When they say about 2 weeks after build date for the arrival,would this be right ?
  5. Thanks bleeno for the explanation and the welcome,this bluetooth sounds handy then. mumof4 ,I take it that you dont like the new galaxy. This is my 1st galaxy so i'm hoping it's all good.
  6. Thanks for the welcome Gregers.
  7. Hello there, Ordered a new galaxy lx 1.8tdci with sony cd player in janaury with a build date for febuary but have now since change it because ford are doing away with the lx badge and have now interduced the EDGE with advance bluetooth as standard.I asked for the new edge badge and my new build date is 03/03/2008. I have been told that they would recieve the car about 2 weeks later....Would this be right ?I used an internet base company. p.s Is this bluetooth thing any good.An explanation on what it does would be great. Cheers peeps.
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