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    2.3 ghia

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  1. Ivor e Tower I'm not as good at this as the regular's . So I need some gentle guidance. I Can't find any other reply you refer to?
  2. :) I have just had the exhaust replaced on my 1998 2.3, the original has done 85000 replaced it as a bracket had failed. The new exhaust is a Bosal make, however it has a distinctive 'roar' from the rear silencer and sounds like it needs replacing!!! Took it back the garage they used terms such as : "an exhaust is always the quitest just before it fails", "its new so needs some time to carbon up and get quieter". They offered to replace it(not sure who pays) but suggested I run it for a few more weeks, then bring it back if not satisfied. Any advice or similiar experience?
  3. Can anybody help. I have just had the exhaust replaced on my 1998 2.3, the original has done 85000 replced it as a bracket had failed. the new exhaust is a Bosal make however it has a distinctive 'roar' from the rear silencer. tokk it back the garage used terms : an exhaust is always the quitest just before it fails, its new so needs some time to carbon up and get quieter. They offered to replace it(not sure who pays) but suggested I run it for a few more weeks, then bring it back if not satisfied. Any advice or similiar experience?
  4. I had a similair problemm, lights in the door flashing, stange noise from under the dash, the analyser said it was a pcm problem , the Ford garage replced the ignition switch, the battery , the PCM, reprogrammed the key and they planned to replace the whole fue board
  5. Hi there Noticed all the information being passed on this. In answer to your question on cutting the bumper, I have a pre faclift galaxy fited with a towsure towbar that di not need any cutting of the car, i connected to the connector located inside left hand rear compartment(wher the two 12v sockets are usually). whole job took only a few hours, i have been towing with it for 6/7 yrs with no problems.
  6. I had a similiar problem with a 2.3 1990 galaxy, the stealership replaced evrything from ignition switch to the EMC , ended up it was the power relay
  7. Topbloke Thanks for the advice, searched for the instructions wothout any luck, so tried your summary and the service oil has gone out. I do have a small problem in that the display now shows kilometers how do I get it to show miles??
  8. The noise disappeared and has not returned so another just one of those things I hope.
  9. The dashboard panel on my 1989 2.3 ghia, is indicating service oil when started, I had it serviced 3months ago. Does this warning actuall indicate a problem, if so how, or is it just linked to mileage and the garge forgot to reset , how can i switch it off?
  10. i have recently noticed that intermitently there is a hissing noise coming from the brake peadl area after applying the brake. After repeat application of the brake it disappears for days/weeks. Any body know what it could be, do i need to get it fixed and whats involved?
  11. Neil My 97 2.3 has developed a rattle from the cat, stills passes MOT but just in case who was the distributor you got yours from?
  12. Just noticed that both front tyres have both worn on the inside edges, is it tracking or should i be looking for something else ? Steering feels fine , if a little light for a big vehicle. Tyres are 215/50 usually get about 30,000 miles from them, done 72,000 to date. If its tracking any suggestions on checking and adjusting as alternatives to a 'stealership' experience?
  13. I recollect somebody mentioned that there are some additional fuses in the compartment below the passenger seat. have a look.
  14. I have noticed a problem with the sound from the passenger side door and dashboard tweeter speaker. There is some sound but it does not appear to change with volume adjustments. When changing the front to back and L to R balance the lack of volume is very evident. Any ideas on the problem? I think there is a power amp below the radio can this be accesed to test, if so how and what should I be looking for.
  15. I dont believe it!!!!!!! Update on my starting problems, garage started to replace the fuse board and found a faulty power relay, they very humbly have not charged me and are writing to offer some form of redit note for all the parts they have replaced. Its so frustrating as based on the advice given by your goodselves on this forum I had asked several times if they had checked the relays. Thanks agian for the advice
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