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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by geduk

  1. help anyone pls im replaceing my rear brake pads done one side now on the other. The problem is ive wound the piston back but now I cant remove the wind back tool dose any one have a nice tip !!!!
  2. Pls can someone help its so cold and my heating system is blowing cool air and the temp gage stays on cold unless warmed up and been standing for a while a search on here says it most prob the termosta so ive got a new one but can i work out where it is! it dosent help that my Gal has a gas convertion that restricts my view and add more pipes to the water system, if some one could post a pic of the location i would be very gratefull but after spending 30 mins outside in -5c ive lost the will to keep looking :rolleyes: Thanks Ged
  3. it is just a beep not a bong bong.... any one tryed the mk5 relay?
  4. It seams that no one knows What the relay number is or where it gose How ever I am happy to Say that You dont need a new relay if you are having this problem as I have found out that in order for the Buzzer to Work, all the door switches need to be in full working order As this is the cheapest and easyest thing to check I would say check it first Oh and the replacment switch part number is 6N0947563 its marked as a VW part I got it from my local VW Garage for the price of
  5. Hay thanks second Question where do i find the Relay? whats it number?
  6. I Have a 98 GLx 2.0l my question is should my galaxy have an audio warning to say I have left my lights on? My old Car did and I have come back to the gal twice to find the lights still on I have replaced the drivers door sensor as it was faulty, (well i swoped it with the passenger one) I thought that was the problem but now the inner lights come on when the door is open but still no Beep can any one tell me if it should Thanks Ged
  7. Thanks every one you have all confirmed what I suspected Im going to order the parts and fit them my self save me self
  8. Hi All I got a seat fob of ebay I have tryed to progam it to me 98 R plate Gal 2.0l GLX but when i do the unlock three times nothing happens ie the led dose not come on any can any one help? Thanks
  9. Hi Group would have done a search on this my self but I cant seam to search at the moment I have just got a 98 Ford Galaxy with LPG Convertion Just a week today on tuseday night the Exhust started blowing a quick look told me the pasenger side mounting on the CAT was no longer conected to the exhust leaving a nice hole and a monving arm in mid air. I think ok I had a look at it on sat and it seamed ok so must be just bad look.. so I take the car to a exhust repair center say replace me cat and they say ur we can but to also need the bit infront of the cat (bit with the lamber sensor) oh and your lamber sensor has been haked up so we will not replace the cat without a disclamer to say you dont get a garantee, and by the way the bolt in the head have been snaped of so that needs sorting as well oh and by the way sir you been ripped of big time fantastic I think! So my question is this, dose any one know if the lamber sensor on an LPG convertion would need to be hacked tuse meaning that ive not quite been ripped of? Thanks Geduk
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