Hi Group would have done a search on this my self but I cant seam to search at the moment I have just got a 98 Ford Galaxy with LPG Convertion Just a week today on tuseday night the Exhust started blowing a quick look told me the pasenger side mounting on the CAT was no longer conected to the exhust leaving a nice hole and a monving arm in mid air. I think ok I had a look at it on sat and it seamed ok so must be just bad look.. so I take the car to a exhust repair center say replace me cat and they say ur we can but to also need the bit infront of the cat (bit with the lamber sensor) oh and your lamber sensor has been haked up so we will not replace the cat without a disclamer to say you dont get a garantee, and by the way the bolt in the head have been snaped of so that needs sorting as well oh and by the way sir you been ripped of big time fantastic I think! So my question is this, dose any one know if the lamber sensor on an LPG convertion would need to be hacked tuse meaning that ive not quite been ripped of? Thanks Geduk