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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

ben hudson

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About ben hudson

  • Birthday 06/16/1959

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  • Vehicle Type
    galaxy 1.9td Nreg

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  1. Thanks for the help ATB Ben
  2. Hi, a few days ago on the dash a orange light appeared it has a round circle with 3 small lines on the left of the circle and 3 small lines on the right of the circle (very similar to the brake pad warning light but the brake shoe line in this case is 3 small lines) I have looked in the hand book and can not find it, the person i spoke to at ford was hopeless (i wonder if he knew what a galaxy was). please help if you can, at the moment it is orange, but if it goes red????? Thanks Ben
  3. Have replaced the gear stick and all bush at the base of it and the cables were replaced last year (because the cup end broke) still having the problem if you force (pull hard) it into reverse it goes in ???
  4. Thanks for the help littledaz Clutch pedal feels ok no leaks or fliud loss no diff in brakes operation, (this is the supply of clutch fliud) chromedome idle speed is 850-900 is this right can not find a figure myself. I have started to look at the base of the gear stick there is a nylon ball and socket this has a bit of wear, will replace that first and let you know. i don't think it is the clutch, it does not slip and bites well if you know what i mean any other ideas Thanks Ben
  5. Hi sometimes reverse gear can not be engaged unless you turn the engine off first, all other gears are fine. Can anyone give any advice please Can the clutch be adjusted? Thanks Ben
  6. Thks fro reply Its a N reg Aspen 1.9td 7 seater I've noticed people flashing me at night when I'm the only one in the car, and i saw another and thought the rear wheel arch to tyre gapped looked bigger than on mine. It has done a lot of miles (220k) and i wonder if things were starting to head south. Ben
  7. Does anybody know the normal ride height for a Galaxy? A measurement from the floor to the wheel arch is what i'm after. Thanks
  8. Hi Steve, what reg Gal is it? I'm after steering wheel with horn under your thumbs if you know what i mean. Also the best place for a sony 10 cd changer and the best place for the reomte head? Thanks Ben
  9. Hi, If its for elec windows, i had the same problem. waited to see if any came available in scrap yards, no joy ended up going to trevor@fordpartsuk.com, they helped a lot, new all the bits i wanted and talk through the removal. Delivered to the door was
  10. thanks for all the replies This squeak happens only when you corner going to the left. Tryes look ok. Brakes look ok CV joint rubber is ok I was think track rod end or some bush say on the anti roll bar Any comments please Ben
  11. Drove my Galaxy to work this morning and every time you go into a left bend or turn there is a squeak from the front drivers wheel. On the right hand bends or the straight its fine no noise. Any ideas?
  12. 1 Ben 2 Shropshire 3 Galaxy 1.9tdi Aspen Nreg 4 3yr 5 Yes 6 Change oil, air, & fuel filter every 6K,
  13. Hi vr6galaxy, Thanks for the info. The cable will fit onto the ball end rod it just will not stay on, I can't move the ball end rod by hand, and with the cable will not stay fitted to the ball end rod, so I'm wondering if the ball end rod is jammed inside the gearbox and this is what has caused the cable to come off! Have ordered a pair of cables from Ford
  14. Hi, My N reg 1.9tdi has a problem, up to this prolem there was no change in the drive or smoothness of gear change, everything felt and sounded good. When up put it in first, the gear stick can then be moved around to the the 5th gear, revesre gear and 2nd gear position, without going through neutral. I have found that the selector cable that is closest the the passenger footwell in the engine bay, has come off a ball end rod on the gearbox. The ball end, this cable sits on, can not be moved by hand, the cable will not stay on the ball end. I would like any advise on the chaging of this selector cable, or comments from people who had simialar trouble. I think the Galaxy is great, mine returns 45 mpg rain or shine and has now covered about 220,000 miles with only small problems, ie spare wheel carrier, electric window motor change, window wiper mechanism change. I will always have a Galaxy. thanks Ben
  15. Hi, removed my tray 2 yrs ago, no problem with anything and it goes through mud and water as we live in the country. Try www.fordpartsuk.com i use them and they are about 20% less than local ford dealers Ben
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