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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by clockie

  1. I have a mark one Galaxy. I would like to know for a peace of mind thing, how are the roof rails, that run fore and aft on the either side, fixed / bolted to the Galaxy roof. The plan is to carry a few long scaffold poles, by firstly clamping two scaffold poles across the roof rails as roof bars. Then the long scaffold poles can then be secured to the Scaf. roof bars using standard scaffold clips. Secondly what is the weight limit on the roof rails. I am aware of being careful about being top heavy, but I only plan to be doing local journeys. Thanks guys for your help.
  2. THANKS for increasing my knowledge of the Galaxy, it continues to surprise me. I think the only rocking it will get is driving over a cattle grid ! At least I know how to lock it internally.
  3. I have a mk1 Galaxy. I am going on an overnight trip and do not want to take my trailer tent. There is plenty of space inside to sleep with some of the seats removed. But how can I lock the central locking when I am inside ready to kip ? Thanks guys for your help.
  4. I had the same problem with the nearside passenger door, broken wire in the door. Soldered a piece of flexible wire to bridge the break. I have a problem with the tailgate inside lights that come on, but then goes out when tailgate fully open. Again I suspect a broken wire. I can see a broken wire in the visible bundle at the top - hinge area - of the tailgate. Not yet had time to sort it. Good luck.
  5. Yes, I've fitted a retro kit to a number of cars including my markone Galaxy. What make is the kit you've got ? What Mark Galaxy have you got ? Will help if I can. Clockie
  6. My Zemco Cruise Control works fine. Goodness knows how old it is. Have also forgotten how many cars its been fitted to. 3 or 4 Ford Serria's, Volvo's four different models. The Galaxy is the first front wheel drive car its been on. It is the electric cruise control control, not the vaccum type. My very first Zemco Cruise control was vaccum, had trouble with the diaphram in the vacuum activator. By the way Zemco went out of business some years ago. The only thing I find that you have to be careful, in watching your speed downhill on my automatic Galaxy, is that with no engine braking, the speed will rise - so beware of speed cameras which tend to be fitted on downhill sections of roads Clockie.
  7. The radio on mine, still appears to be live when ignition switch off. 'cos you can turn the radio on with the ign key out of the switch. Plus I did not want the hassle of getting the radio out. Many thanks anyway for your reply. I have used the radio feed and the cig socket feed on previous cars, but both are still live on this Gal, with the key out !
  8. I want to find a live 12volt feed point, which is only live when ignition on. On my mark one Galaxy 1996 auto petrol. This is for a retro fitted cruise control - self fitted by myself - the same kit that has been on five previous cars. The cruise control is working well but temporary plugged into the cig. socket. Please can someone tell me where I find find either a wire or junction box point (inside the car) which is only live when the ignition key switch is on. I currently have the lower panels off by the brake pedals. Many thanks guys for your help.
  9. Mr Hitler started me on lipreading after dropping a doddlebug the other side of the road !
  10. If youv'e got a towbar - I'm fitting mine tomorrow - you simply judge where you have to stop before the line of sight mudflap reaches the line or wall. When I've fitted my new towbar - I will be up Tesco's late evening for another practise in the car park, complete with a cardboard box. I've driven lorries, giant combine harvesters, farm machinery, and all sorts of vans and cars - so have learnt a few tricks of reversing etc. Great fun reversing four wheel farm trailers. And can also reverse a Canal Barge/Boat without moving the rudder 1 $ ! Us lipreading hard of hearing people, have a lot more fun than you so called normal hearing people - traffic jams are a lot of fun - reading other people's conversations. Lipreading makes you so much more observant, of all sorts of things - my passengers are always surprised at what I notice on my travels, so judging reversing is very easy.
  11. What colour is the VSS wiring and where will I find both ends of it ? Want to fit a Cruise Control to my Galaxy April 1996 petrol 1998 CC. What Mark is my Galaxy ? Formerly a Volvo fan, but now find the Galaxy more roomy. Haven't got any grandkiddies to use the two built in - convertable passenger, toddler , baby seats. ( - as far as I know ! ) Clockie
  12. On reading this again - I would add that you of course do not park with the mudflap directly over the white line and you would have surely hit the wall. What I mean is using the line of sight from the driver's door mirror to the bottom edge of the mudflap - when the bottom edge appears to touch the line or the bottom of a wall, your bumper is exactly one inch away ! You may have to double check with your mudflap - cos your mudflap may be a bit longer or shorter than mine. Clockie ps, Without my hearing aid which I do not wear when driving alone - I do not always hear buzzers etc - so I think I would hit more things with a Parking Sensor, than my line of sight method
  13. Why bother with Parking Sensors, I can park within an inch of a wall or white line ----------- My trick is to look in the driver's door mirror - at the bottom edge of the rear mudflap. When that bottom edge is in line with a white line, or the bottom of a wall, I am exactly one inch away. Or lay a stick on the ground 2 / 3 inches in front of the trailer hitch, and I can stop exactly right to couple up my trailer, etc. If you want to try it out, use an empty part of your supermarket carpart for a practise -- without hitting anything, or take an cardboard box as your target. I tried it out at midnight ! Clockie
  14. Why, Why, Why, won't this forum let me ........... Start a new topic ? Look at photos ? and do other things ? This seems to be the only way I can get a word in edgeways ? I am registered, log in correctly. own a 1996 Galaxy ------- wot else do I have to do, to do, to do,, to be accepted. I want help from all your friendly guys Firstly how do I find the VSS speed sensor wire - both ends and its colour ( or color if you like) Clockie - (nothing to do with speedo's ! # ! more as in time !)
  15. I am very new owner(5 days) of an 1996 Galaxy. Discovered rear passenger door would not (central) lock. Found broken wires on the so called flexible joint ! Brought the Haynes manual for the Galaxy which answers a lot of the questions I see asked on this forum. Got the door card off ok and the vapour barrier (by cutting the black sealant) New door wiring loom on order from Ford's at 42 GBP's Now my question, how do I reseal the vapour barrier back to the door. Many thanks all you very helpful chaps. Clockie
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