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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    South East

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  1. The water level is ok and the oil is still correct colour with no sign of a creamy colour.Does anybody know why smoke should smell of a marzipan or almond smell.No temperature rise either
  2. Hi, I have a 1999 Galaxy Zetec 2.3 petrol auto,i have had her for nearly 4 years with no problem.Today i noticed she was smoking abit but just put it down to the weather but as soon as i increased the revs i noticed i could not see the car behind due to the amount of white smoke coming from the exhaust.I have not lost no power and the smoke only clears when i take my foot of the throttle.Even on tickover outside my house the smoke is still present.Any ideas please before i take her to th garage. Been told it could be dodgy petrol.Smoke smell's of marzipan or almond.
  3. Checked oil and water today,no water lost and oil is not creamy in colour.There is abit of a whinning noise from left side of engine.No smoke present when started from cold,started coming out after letting run for a while.Could dodgy petrol cause this as i know somebody else who's car is now smoking and they filled up from same petrol station and also been told it could be automatic transmission fluid getting drawn into engine via a defective transmission modulator valve which causes smoke to billow out so much that you cannot see behind you.
  4. Thanks but as i don't really understand te workings can you explain whether it is an easy job and will it be expensive to get done as i thought these were only on diesels and mine is petrol.
  5. Hi, I have a 1999 Galaxy Zetec 2.3 petrol auto,i have had her for nearly 4 years with no problem.Today i noticed she was smoking abit but just put it down to the weather but as soon as i increased the revs i noticed i could not see the car behind due to the amount of white smoke coming from the exhaust.I have not lost no power and the smoke only clears when i take my foot of the throttle.Even on tickover outside my house the smoke is still present.Any ideas please before i take her to th garage.
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