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Everything posted by blade

  1. Hi jim,nice to meet ya and thank`s m8. hows u stevie? No time for that gallon of beer last night m8,had to go work meself @5.30 smorning. Anyhows she promised me a kebab...after me gallon tonight....lol... tastes better after...lol hav a goodun.......blade....
  2. Hi john, new motor then a few beers n a curry...live it up mate..lol Just a thought though john,have you made sure that your SKUTTLE TRAY DRAINAGE IS CLEAR!!!! You wouldn`t want that expense again. That was my prob,,it also cost me a new ECU(under passenger seat) for the central locking system. See FAQ for detail`s on clearing.. Wish i`d found this site a few years ago,,very helpfull Hav a goodun.......blade
  3. hi john, i hav a 97 2.3 galaxy and my box broke aswell, i got a motor out of a similiar aged sharan and it work`s a treat.
  4. Hi comhander, ye mine were doing weird and wonderful tricks for afew weeks then stopped alltogether..great...turned out to b the circuit board on back of motor had let in water,hope it`s something diffrent,i had to go breakers for another motor.... Best o luck mate.hope it stay`s better
  5. Hi stevie m and all on the forum hope ure well mate,,, That`s it,it`s sorted. Circuit board was def up the swannee,managed to get hold of a motor out of a sharan today( on the 1st call to a breakers,,how lucky!!),it works a treat,also picked up an ECU for the central locking,out of same sharan(couple diff letters but it work`s good) 1OOquid the pair,yep
  6. Hi steviem,mumof4,and everyone else on FGOC.... Just letting u know that the electrical engineer i got to look at me ol gal`s wiper problem has come to the conclusion that the wiper motor must have been sitting in water in the skuttle tray,so has knacked the motor circuit board,we checked the motor and it work`s a treat.So i followed SUPERPIPER instructs dated JULY 17 2oo7, tried to clean with a PCB cleaner but to no avail.... He also say`s u can order new Module (circuit i think) so i`ll b going down that route before i try n get hold of new motor. PS mumof4,the wipers dont seem to hav seized,i can move them easily by hand. Thank`s......blade.......
  7. hi stevie m and mumof4, thanks 4 the links stevie i will check them out later, i got an electrical bloke coming round later to check wot i`ve allready checked ie fuses n relays..and hopefully tell me if the motor is knacked or if it is siezing. Will let u know his finding`s later....cya
  8. Hi every1,yep another newbie here,,found this site trying to get sum new parts,....again...lol I have had a good few probs with my GALAXY 2.3 GHIA P-reg of late,including,new clutch,coil packs, cat and lmda sensor,head gasket,starter motor etc etc,. dont get me wrong i aint moaning she`s done me proud and she deserves it,ferrying my 3 young kids to and from school,trip`s to the south of france and endless weekend`s away,she`s a pleasure to drive and will b for a good few years yet. i have problems with my front wiper blade`s at the mo,i`ve been plowing through recent thread`s and i think the motor has been sitting in water in the scuttle tray(all fuses seem to b ok,apart from in the wrong place`s) They did just to start with about 1mnth ago to turn off then on again,but now the rain`s lashing they go on for a couple of min`s(normal) then slowly stop. So if any1 think`s it could b something other than a new motor i would b much obliged,or where i could get 1 cheaper than
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