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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy 1.9TDI
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    South West

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  1. Can anyone please advise - i have had the same problem of the Fuse box melting - this has happened to me twice over a year and a half - It seems to occur during the winter when all the electrics are working ( heating, radio wipers..etc) the fuse for the cable from the alternator to the battery keeps burning out and hence melts down the fuse box. The RAC chap has put a temp fix for the moment - he seems to think that i need to replace the multistrand copper cable from the alternator to the fusebox -not sure why i would need to do this - as i understand the fuse is melting because of high current, above it's rating - I believe the fuse rating was 100 Amps does this need to be increased - Someone has suggested this could be a design fault ( I have a Ford Galaxy 1.9TDI 2001 reg) Has anyone come across this problem before - I am reluctant to replace the fuse box if this is going to happen again - has anyone resolved this problem - please advise
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