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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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About applebyfarm

  • Birthday 10/15/1965

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  • Region
    South East

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  • Location
    Chelmsford Essex
  • Interests
    What, It Ain't Got An ENGINE?!!.....mercy me so what IS the point. Unless of course you can sail it .......

applebyfarm's Achievements


Newbie (1/8)



  1. This auxillaty heater idea seems bliming great to me, have we figured what wires to cut into so we can put a timer in and have the car all ready and warmed up, oil warm and ready to start instantly, saving start up wear and of course improving our mpg. All we'd have to do is flick a switch when we got out the night before and hey presto: heater starts at 06:30 ready for an 07:00 drive to work. Warm hands and bums!! :23:
  2. I guess I read and research too much?? Well anyway I like to make an 'informed' decision. Picking up a 53 plate 1.9 tdi pd soon as a replacement for my V70 2.4 petrol. Basically it just fits the bill, big on space, big on torque, big on mpg and judging by this website very big on a following. Hoping I can contribute as well as taping in on your knowledge. I am a diesel burner engineer (oil heating, incinerators etc) so one of the first things I'm going to do is take apart this auxillary heater that is the cause of so much writing on this website and see if I can set a few things straight in my own mind if not anyone elses. If it is what I think it is we could all help each other. Anyhow, speak again soon
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