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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Zetex TDi Auto
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    South East

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  1. According to a specialist automatic gearbox garage, the fault is with the wiring loom plug where it connects to the gearbox socket has several pins and these pins has been damaged by water gathering in the socket! Anyone thinks otherwise?
  2. Hi, I have the exact same problem but with different fault code OXO10E What was the overall cost for fixing the TCM?
  3. The gear is stuck in 3rd! Is this what you call 'limp mode'?
  4. Just been told that the fault code is coming up as 'internal solenoid' issue. Any one know what this does and how much on average will it cost to repair it. :)
  5. How do I check? Is there a dipstick somewhere? I've been underneath but could not identify anything. ;)
  6. Hi, Any advise is appreciated. After 1 hour drive on the motorway I came to my first stop on the junction. When moving off, the car jerked as if the first gear failed to engage, then immediatly within 1 second it was fine. This happened for 5/6 more times and then stopped. On the way back, Came onto the motorway and then I realise the car is stuck at 3rd gear and will not change to 4th. I stopped at the next service station for 10 minutes, and after that it was fine. 2 Days later the dashboard gearbox light is on. 1. Is it a sign that the gearbox oil needs changing. 2. Some electronic sensor is playing up. 3. Time to have the whole gearbox looked at no matter what the cost! Thanks for your suggestions.
  7. Thanks to you all. I am much reassured now as to what I have already purchased is suitable for the Galaxy. I think I'll just take up the last advice. Can't imagine that these days both antifreeze and car manufacturers will make a such a product for only professionals in garages to handle! They surely would recognise that any motorist can simply refil the antifreeze and as such todays antifreeze are most likely made for people like me to refil any modern street car. Thus, the orange coloured antifreeze is going in to top up the existing pink/purple antifreeze in my reservoir tank. :lol:
  8. Can I do this? Is there a sump plug somewhere under the radiater itself? If so where? :rolleyes:
  9. :rolleyes: So, what you're saying is orange antifreeze exist in the market and I can mix it with the existing pink/purple antifreeze already in my coolant system!! :lol: And of course to mix it 50/50 with water. Is tap water ok? :)
  10. I have been reading some of these other threads about antifreeze, and the impression I got was NOT to mix antifreeze colours! Is my orange antifreeze likely to turn into pink/purple colour once it is mixed with the existing pink/purple antifreeze in the resevior? Plus, does anyone know if these galaxy engines are of aluminium, because it clearly states on the bottle that it's for that particular engine use only.
  11. My 52 reg Ghia Galaxy auto 2.3Litre, already has what seems to be pink/purple coloured antifrezee. It has gone below the indicated level, so I went and bought 'Ethylene Glycol' OAT Technology antifreeze designed for aluminium engines and it indicates that it meets specification for: FORD WSS-M 97B44-D. The make is 'Granville Antifreeze and Summer Coolant and upon opening the lid it seems to be of ORANGE colour although the droplets on the inner side of the bottle cap is pink! Anyone got any idea as to what is the correct antifreeze for my Galaxy and is the one I have OK for my Galaxy? Thanks ^_^
  12. It turned to be the left front shock absorbers leaking. Had them both side changed and now it seems the skweaky noise is gone.
  13. It's got to be the Link Rod above the front wheels. You can easily see one vertically connected above the wheels. A similar knocking nois occured to my previous galaxy and once it was changed the Knock dissapeared for good.
  14. Changed both front Upper Suspension bush. There is still an anoying skweaky noise when I turn the steering to the right, during extreme low speed, say during a 3 point turn. It also occassionaly skweaks during left turn, but mostly skweaks during right turn! One garage say's its the power steering pump, another says its the shock absorber and of course the bush was also suggested and completed with no luck yet. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks
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