Dear All, just to finish off the story I have got my Galaxy back, auxilary heater glow plug changed paid for by the Insurance company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My line with the insurance engineer was that although proof either way was impossible, it was possible that 'shock' could have caused electrical or mechanical defects (for which I have considerable experience in after 25 years as a marine engineer in the Royal Navy) and although the glow plug may have the odds of failing at anytime of 1/1000, the odds that it happens as a taxi hits me is probably in the magnitude of 1/1, 000, 000). He agrred to have it inpsected by the local Ford dealer and befoe I new it I had a call that all repairs, including the glow plug, were complete and the car was ready for collection - at no cost!) - RESULT I also think that in the big scheme of things he may have thought to get a combative customer off his hands the